His body stilled. It was the first time she'd addressed him with any sort of respect, yet she was clearly being facetious. His head understood that but his heart did not. His cock twitched at such demure compliance. But it was all a lie. Artifice meant to mock him. His lust quickly shifted to anger.

Grit scraped beneath his boots on the wood-planked floor as he closed the distance between them and tipped up her chin, forcing her to look at him. The sexual tension they shared hadn’t vanished, it had only been obstructed by his actions.

He stared hard into her eyes. His intent to punish her with the inescapable truth. Their connection would last an eternity. Their bond was unbreakable, and he wanted to cruelly remind her of that. Overwhelmed by the sudden burst of malice, he blew out a breath, searching desperately for calm.

She trembled under his touch and tried to look away, but he wouldn’t allow it. Her rejection stung, deeply wounding him in ways that had him questioning everything.

Holding her jaw tight, he put his mouth close to hers. “One day, you’ll crave gratifying me more than anything else. You’ll easily put my needs before your own and honor me with unquestionable devotion. Mark my words, little one. This is just the beginning of life as you know it. I’ve watched many conform to the unthinkable.” He glanced down at all her tattoos, each one a cry for individuality. “You’re no different than any of the females who have come before.”

He released her jaw and turned away. Let her despise him. She already did.

Her hands slapped into his back, shoving him forward and he spun, catching her wrists before she hit him again. “We do not act in violence toward one another.”

Her anger charged the air between them as she bared her teeth. No matter how her fury consumed her, she would never be able to deny their chemistry. They were as connected as the cosmos, as reliant on each other as the moon and the earth. Like the pull of the tides, she would always gravitate toward him, just as he would suffer the same relentless pull to her.

Yet, she scorned him. She forced her expression to remain blank but he heard the increased tempo of her heartbeat, saw the dilation of her pupils. His nostrils flared as he breathed in the faint scent of her arousal.

Hunger punched through him. “You mean to mock me by masquerading as demure. You’re hoping to get a rise out of me, to force some sort of response.” The corner of his mouth curved into a half-grin. “Careful what you wish for, little one.”

Her eyes narrowed on him and her heart hammered in her chest. Under the plain fabric of her chemise, her nipples tightened into sharp pebbles.

His head lowered, leaning closer until they shared the same breath. “Your mind and your body are in discord, it seems. I could help you.”

Her full lips parted when she understood what he offered. He only needed a chance to show her what they shared. Then she would see. Once she understood there was no use in fighting their connection, she would lay down her anger and they could move past this nasty introduction.

He closed the distance, sensing her defenses soften, then she slammed her knee into his groin.

Pain exploded in his crotch and stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he doubled over and grunted. Gritting his teeth, he lunged for her, snatching the back of her frock and dragging her to him as she once more tried to run away.

“We do not hit, Delilah.” He breathed through clenched teeth as the pain subsided.

“And I don’t kiss Amish psychos!”

“I’m your mate.”

“You kidnapped me, you delusional fuck!”

He shifted her in his arms, holding her shoulders tight and forcing her to face him. “This is the last warning I’ll give. You will not speak to me in such a disrespectful manner. I’m an elder and your mate. You will respect me as a female is expected to respect her husband.”

“I will never—”

“You will do as you’re told!” he snapped, losing patience. “This isn’t English society! Your life is bound to mine and, as such, so is your honor! If you can’t obey such simple requests, I’ll confine and discipline you as I see fit.” Gripping her arm, he dragged her toward the stairs. “You will learn to behave.”

For a split second, he believed he was making headway, and then she sprang. Claws scraped down his face and his body hit the wall. She yanked his hair and screamed in his ear, biting and hitting like a hellcat on fire.

She was surviving on his blood and consequently stronger than most, but not stronger than him. He caught her wrist and slammed her into the adjacent wall, demanding her attention. “Enough.”