Christian snarled, on his feet, fighting the compulsion that held him to the wall. “I’ll end you!”

The male hoisted Delilah’s limp body over his shoulder and watched him with sinister disregard as he struggled. “You’re weak, because a female raised you. It would have been merciful to drown you at birth. Believe me, I would have tried had I had the chance.”

Christian stilled. A shiver of disbelief thrummed through him before the truth rocked him to the core. The set of the male’s eyes and the cowlick of his hair reminded Christian of himself. He recalled Delilah’s greeting. Maddox. As in Cerberus Maddox. This male was his sire.

His blood chilled. Delilah was full of Christian’s blood which was replete with his mother’s unique plasma. “My mother…”

“I plan to hunt her, then I plan to kill her. Slowly.” He shifted Delilah’s limp body and opened the shattered door, his shoes scraping over the glass. “You can have your mate back once I find mine.” He looked into Christian’s murderous stare with cold indifference. “Get in my way, and I’ll return her to you in pieces.”

Christian hissed and lunged, but there was no breaking the invisible restraints that held him. His father was a rogue immortal, full of mortal blood and several centuries his senior. The veins in his neck and arms popped as he strained with all his might, baring his teeth. “You harm her, and I will personally burn you alive.”

His father pivoted from outside the shop and laughed, mocking him. “You can try.”


Breath sucked into Delilah’s lungs like water breaking through a dam, pushing out the staleness as her eyes widened and she regained consciousness. Where was she?

The ground moved, and her claws extended, digging into the flat, hot surface for grip. Adjusting her sight to the darkness, she searched the sweltering space as the walls and floor rumbled loudly. Dust and grit stuck to her sweaty legs, and the ground rattled and bumped beneath her. The moving truck.

Her mind reached for Christian’s as she inspected her neck, finding sticky traces of blood and an unclosed puncture wound. “That fucker.” Breathing fast, she licked her fingers, using her own saliva to close the wound. Christian, where are you?


Her body folded forward with relief when his voice reached her mind. Their connection was faint as if he spoke to her from a great distance.

Christian, I’m in the truck.

I’m tracking you, but I’m on foot. I’m moving as fast as I can. You’re only a few miles ahead of me.

She looked around the dark, cavernous trailer, a sob working around the lump in her throat as her body swayed and the tires shuddered over the road below. What’s happening, Christian? Who is he and where is he taking me? When he didn’t immediately answer, she panicked. Christian? Are you there? Don’t leave me!

I’m here. He’s taking you back to Lancaster.

What? Why? Still holding her ravaged throat, she glanced nervously at the front of the truck.

He’s…my father, pintura. He’s after my mother.

Her eyes widened. Christian had been drinking his mother’s blood to heal, and Delilah had fed from his vein. That was how he was tracking Adriel. How did he find us?

I’m not sure. He’s very old, older than my mother, and older than the elders of The Order. He’s extremely powerful, Delilah. And dangerous. Do not challenge him. Do you understand?

Drawing in shallow breaths she began to hyperventilate. She was going to die. Of course this would happen right after she found happiness and things started looking up.

Delilah, listen to me. You are not going to die. I won’t let anything happen to you.

As if his words couldn’t cross the distance, she drew no comfort from his promise. He said it himself, Maddox was old and powerful. He’d already proven he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her.

The sun baked wood of the box truck aggravated her lungs. Or was it her fear of death making it hard to breathe?

Christian, I’m scared.

As you should be… The sinister voice that cut into her mind was not her mate’s.

Christian! She gripped her head, unsure how Maddox had done such a thing. “Get out of my head!” Christian, stay with me!

She needed to get out of there. Trying to stand, the truck veered and she went careening into the wall, slamming her shoulder hard against one of the wooden beams used for attaching bungie cords.

It was easily a hundred and fifty degrees in the air tight trailer, the sweltering summer heat baking into the metal roof and walls for days with nowhere to escape. Sweat dripped into her eyes. She was already dehydrating and in desperate need of water.

Christian, I can’t breathe!

Regulate your body temperature. The return of Christian’s voice shook her with relief. Why did he keep disappearing on her?

Her heart beat erratically as she tried to focus through her panic. It’s not working. I’m roasting in here.