“And you’re just my taste.”
She squirmed, but he held her back to his front, splaying his fingers over her chest as his other hand did wicked things to her body below. Clutching the bowl of batter to her stomach, she moaned softly, her feet stepping out to give him more access.
He penetrated her slowly, dragging his long finger in and out as he gently nibbled at her ear and whispered, “I could eat again.”
It was stunning how quickly her body responded to him. “And I’m the one with a filthy mouth?”
He withdrew his touch and took the bowl out of her arms then lifted the skillet, taking it off the flame and closing the burner. He pulled her away from the stove. “Come with me.”
She followed him to the table, laughing when he lifted her off her feet and perched her on top. “What about the French toast?”
“I have a craving for something else.” He pulled her to the edge of the table and she dropped back to lean on her elbows. He dipped his head only to pause at the last second. “It pleases me very much to see you keeping your word.”
It wasn’t like she hadn’t benefited from his conditions, but that didn’t need stating, so she simply nodded. “And you’ll keep yours, right? Two weeks.”
He held her stare for a pregnant moment, his thoughts moving too quickly for her to track. “Open your legs.”
Taken aback that he would skirt her question with a command like that, she frowned at him. “Christian?” She needed to hear him say it.
“Yes, Delilah. In two weeks, if you show me you’re ready, I’ll take you to your shop,” he all but snapped, pivoting to pace the kitchen.
He didn’t want her to go, that much was clear. The playful mood they shared minutes ago disappeared, and she regretted messing up that fragile balance.
He faced the wall, but she sensed his scowl. “Christian, I’m sorry.” He wouldn’t face her, and his mind was blocked. “Please look at me.”
His shoulders lifted with a deep sigh and he turned to face her. Not knowing what else to do, she spread her legs apart like he asked. His frown deepened and he turned away.
“Another time.”
Her breath caught, his rejection cutting sharp and deep. “Asshole. That’s four.”
He pivoted quickly, furious that she would deliberately break their bargain. “Do you think this is funny?”
She scrambled to her feet. “No, Christian, I don’t think anything about this is funny. I’m, sitting there, completely exposed, and you reject me. Yeah, I’m laughing my fucking ass off.”
“That’s five.”
“Why don’t we just make it six and forget the whole fucking agreement since you don’t seem willing to meet your end of the bargain.”
“I gave you my word, and I said I would keep it! What else do you need from me?” he shouted.
She drew back, her eyes stinging and her chest tight. “I don’t know,” she admitted quietly, unsure how he was hurting her feelings like this. Or why. “I guess a little kindness.”
He dragged a hand through his dark hair and his face pinched with tension. “You’re right. I’m sorry. That was cruel of me. All of it.” Regret flashed in his eyes as he continued to pace the kitchen. “It was foolish of me to think that intimacy could change your mind. I just thought…” He shook his head. “I don’t know what I thought.”
She sat up. “Christian, I liked what we did. Having those moments with you… It doesn’t make this easier on me. Well, it does and it doesn’t.” He had to understand that sleeping together would only complicate matters. “The things we can do together, I’ve never experienced anything like that with anyone else.”
His scowl returned. “For me, there is no one else.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I’m saying it’s not norm—wait.” She replayed his words, this time hearing what he actually said. “When you say there’s no one else, you mean right now, like, you’re single? Same as me. Right?”
“Yes. And also that there has never been anyone before you.”
She cocked her head, sure she was misunderstanding him. “Since when? How long?”
“Since… ever.”
“No. You’re lying.”
“I don’t lie.”
“But you’re, like, really old.”
“I was eight when we traveled here. I watched heart stricken elders lose loved ones. Three hundred years later and their grief is still palpable to me. Nothing ever seemed worth that pain.”
“How is that possible? You’ve never had sex with someone?”
Ohhhhh, boy. “What did you do all these years? How did you…?”
He grimaced. “I’m perfectly capable of seeing to my own needs. Prayer also helped.”
This put the Forty Year Old Virgin to shame. “Oh, Christian.”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. And it’s no longer an issue.”
“I’m not trying to shame you.”
“Well, I don’t need your pity either.”
She didn’t pity him. She did have the strangest urge to comfort him, though. Crossing the kitchen, she put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry it took so long for you to find me. I was busy being…” She couldn’t even say she was busy being born. She hadn’t existed. Her parents hadn’t existed or her great, great grandparents. She laughed. “If reincarnation’s real, maybe I was busy being a beetle or a wild bird.”