Completely satisfied.
That was how my body felt.
But my mind?
My mind was restless.
Looking for an excuse not to go back out there and face him, I went toward the soaking tub, turning it on, and dropping in one of the complimentary bath bombs.
I watched the red bubbles and dried flowers float across the water, looking a bit like blood, and finding myself unsettled by that as I lowered myself into hip-height water.
It was fine.
August was not the kind of jerk who would hightail it out of town just because we’d had sex.
I mean, even if he was that big of a douche, Aurelio would never let him go.
So it was going to be okay.
We were adults.
Neither of us were starry-eyed virgins.
We could chalk it up to a heated moment and move on.
There wouldn’t be any more fuck-ups like that.
We had to focus on the situation, not our hormones.
By the time the water cooled, and I climbed out of the tub, I had myself almost convinced that it had nothing at all to do with August.
I had just been overdue for sex. For an orgasm.
I’d been busy lately. I wasn’t even sure I’d taken things ‘into my own hands’ in weeks. Months? God, maybe. I was usually at work late, and by the time I got home, I barely had energy to shower before I fell into bed.
There’d been no time for dating.
And, honestly, I’d never been any good at relationships anyway.
It usually went one of two ways: I was too prickly and difficult, or the guy was too much of a pushover and I lost interest.
Either way, things always fizzled out within a couple of weeks. I really didn’t even try anymore.
I had work.
If I needed a hook-up, I had exes to text.
And I went ahead and let myself believe that was enough. Because, quite frankly, there just didn’t seem to be another option, and I figured it was useless to want something that didn’t appear possible for me.
I got myself changed, then climbed into bed, telling myself I was glad when August didn’t knock or barge in.
But, as I drifted off to sleep, I have to admit that some little part of me was disappointed.
Luckily, the stress and frustration of the past few days had caught up with me, and I was out before I could really get in my feelings about it.
I woke to sunlight streaming in through the windows, muted slightly by the mirrored tint on them, but way too bright to be my usual wake up time.