Daddy wrapped himself around me, pinning me to the counter as he frowned. It made me squirmy as he took my hand and gently turned it over. “You now have a blemish on your finger, little human. That is not acceptable.”

His face scrunched up as he figured out firsthand that the mayo was slippery. “You are also slimy.”

Daddy didn’t like that.

“Slimy isn’t bad, Daddy.” I shrugged. “You can scrub me.”

“Yes.” Daddy shook his head and sighed like he’d been watching too much TV. “Our schedules must be altered. Daddies must be constantly vigilant and flexible.”

Being a Daddy was harder than I’d thought.

“Sorry, Daddy.” Kind of. It was just a little poke…and I wasn’t that slimy. “I’ll be careful. I can do it.”

“Yes, you are a large young human male.” He patted my head as he wiped off my hand, and I giggled. “I understand you wish to provide for us, but I must insist that you have closer supervision.”

“Yes, I’m a big boy, Daddy. We can do it together.” I thought that meant he would help, but Daddy didn’t seem to understand that.

He wrapped two of his small tentacles around my arms and carefully moved my hands like I was a puppet. “I’m Pinocchio.”

As I giggled, he let out a happy, bubbly sound. “You are already a real boy, little human. You are simply one that requires additional guidance to be safe.”

“It’s a scary movie, Daddy.” I giggled as he used my hands to put mustard on the other side. He thought he was being sneaky when he took the ketchup and put it back in the fridge. “Daddy.”

He pretended to be confused. “I was informed that film was classic children’s entertainment.”

Daddy’s huff said he didn’t agree with that. He patted my head again as he moved my hands to put the bologna on the bread. “I am sure we can find visual artistic entertainment that is not as frightening. Resting should be peaceful and recuperative.”

Right, no nightmares.

“I’m a good boy. I won’t be a donkey, Daddy.” That would be scary. “Oh, Daddy, we need more. That’s the good meat.”

Daddy made another very Daddy sound. “Purchasing sustenance and planning how it is consumed shall now be an activity we do together, little human. You require supervision.”

Oh, Daddy was going to make me be healthy?

Did that mean I shouldn’t show him my ramen or the ice cream in the freezer? Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t show him the Chef Boyardee in the pantry?

“I like doing things together, Daddy.” Because being a puppet was fun. “Make me get the milk, Daddy. We can’t forget that.”

I had the best Daddy ever.

He picked me up with two of his big tentacles.

Carrying me around and moving my hands like I was a big puppet, Daddy helped me pick out the cups and even got the milk out. But he didn’t want any. Daddy even scrunched up his face as he set my cup down on the table. “I will have water, little human. That is…distasteful.”

A good boy probably wouldn’t giggle, but as he set me down at the table, Daddy kept looking at my cup like the milk was going to grab him. “You don’t have to drink it, Daddy.”

“Thank you, little human.” Daddy gave me another pat as he got his water and sat down beside me. “Once you have finished consuming enough nutrition, I will make sure you are clean before your nap.”

I wasn’t that dirty.

The mayonnaise just kept escaping every time I took a bite…and I took lots of bites.

“I can wash my hands.” I held out my fingers when I was almost done and wiggled them as Daddy pretended to sigh. “I’m a big boy.”

“A Daddy’s primary role is in caretaking. One of the most commonly listed activities that a Daddy will usually help with is cleaning and bathing.” Picking up a napkin, he wiped my mouth and my hands again to show me. “I have read a variety of educational materials on the bathing of submissive humans who are in the subcategory of littles. Do not worry, little human.”

“I won’t worry, Daddy.” Taking another bite, I tried to figure out how to explain that we needed ketchup next time. “I scrub good. I even have grown-up soap and fun soap. The fun soap is under the sink. It’s a duck.”

Daddy gave me a funny look before getting up and going over to peek under the sink. “Ah, a plastic imitation duck for storing liquids.”

“I don’t have a real one, Daddy.” It wouldn’t fit under the sink. “I’d need a yard for that, but I like living here.”

“It is good to know that you do not have any unexpected animals in the vicinity.” Daddy said he understood, but he kept looking around like he wasn’t sure he believed that I didn’t have a duck. “They require even more caretaking than humans.”