Yay for fascinating friends.

“That would definitely be hot, but I’m not sure the health department would be pleased with that idea.” Sex on the tables? Probably not. “I knew they were saying something naughty.”

That just hadn’t been what I’d expected.

As I kissed Daddy’s face, hoping that I’d distracted him enough, two of his larger tentacles were winding their way around my legs, trapping me in the best possible way.

I couldn’t help moaning, but Daddy just sounded like we were having a normal conversation. “They were discussing work, my Dane. How is that considered naughty? That word implies possibly inappropriate erotic behavior in that context, is that correct?”

Him trying to confirm if I was talking about the dirty kind of naughty was cute.

“Yes, it’s about erotic behavior.” I wasn’t sure there was a good way to explain why it was wicked, though, so I decided to shift the conversation slightly. “I had fun with them, Daddy.”

I was also having fun with him, rocking back and forth like he was my glider. “The food was good and the people-watching was fun and it was nice seeing Evan and Aristotle again. That was definitely the good kind of socializing with kinky people.”

Daddy made a low, pleased sound as his tentacles teased over my ass and sent a shiver through me. “They are a good social match and increase your happiness which provides me with much pleasure, my Dane.”

If I thought about it too much, I’d have started giggling again, so I just nodded and tried to rub my dick against his body…because that would increase my happiness too.

Daddy seemed to be playing keep away, though, because he chuckled and just let my dick barely graze his torso before he rocked me backward again. “Alcohol has a fascinating effect on you, my submissive human.”

It made me horny.

“I’m almost sober, Daddy.” At the very least, I was close enough that he didn’t need to worry about anything.

“Humans should not participate in sexual activities while impaired, my Dane.” Daddy was studying me closely like he wasn’t sure we should be having sex.

I didn’t like that look at all.

“I’m not that drunk.” And the threat of no sex was sobering me up pretty quickly. “Promise.”

He just scrunched up his face into a fabulous human expression that made me want to start giggling again.

“Please provide me with a unique fact that will show your mental clarity.” Daddy waited like it was a perfectly simple request, but just working my way through the question should’ve made it clear I was clearheaded enough to get an orgasm.


A unique fact.

“I love you.” Giving him a quick peck, I giggled as he huffed and rolled his eyes like I was being ridiculous. “That’s very unique.”

“No.” Daddy shook his head. “You provide me with the physical proof of the love promise daily and you have already made the verbal statement while little. I require additional proof of sobriety. Your love is special and reciprocated but will not earn you orgasms.”

I had?

It wouldn’t?

I couldn’t decide what to do, so I pouted.

Daddy brought one tentacle up and plucked it over my lip like it was some kind of musical instrument. “The ability to show thoughtful manipulation indicates higher brain functions. I concede to sexual gratification.”

Good grief.

“I’m not manipulating you, Daddy.” Not much, at least. “I’m your good boy.”

Because good boys got rewards and I wasn’t sure what a manipulative one would get.

My denial made him laugh...so I should probably work on making that more believable for next time. But Daddy seemed to think I was cute, so I didn’t worry too much. “Refusing to acknowledge the truth does not make your words more believable, my mate.”

Somehow, he thought it was funny and worth rewarding, though, because it earned me a spank and Daddy rocked me so my dick finally rubbed completely against him.

Okay, maybe I didn’t care why he thought I was worth rewarding.

“Daddy…” Whatever I’d been going to say disappeared as he gave me another spank and started a steady rhythm of rocking and grinding and spanking. “I…”

“Your Daddy is providing pleasure for his sweetly manipulative submissive and you are grateful, are you not?”

Yes, grateful.

I managed to nod as he spanked me again, but he wasn’t making my attempt at words any easier. “I…good boy…yes…”

Yes, I was Daddy’s good boy.

For some reason, he found that funny.

As he chuckled, he stroked a smaller tentacle over my head and gave me a look that said he thought I was adorably delusional. “My Dane.”

Once he stopped spanking me and my head cleared a bit more, I was going to huff until he admitted I was his good boy, but that had to wait.

Daddy kept me too distracted to figure out how to argue that and win. The way he was spanking me and slowly caressing me kept chasing every thought out of my head. It was definitely cheating but I decided to mention that part later too.