My body couldn’t decide if it wanted to melt into him or blush. “Thank you…I…”

Hiding my face against his torso, I sighed and whispered, knowing he could hear me. “Would it be too soon for me to call you Daddy? It keeps wanting to slip out.”

His limbs immediately shifted to stroke my back and over my legs, pulling me more firmly to his body. “I would be honored to bear the designation Daddy for you, little human. However, I do understand social conventions dictate consuming meals and having planned outings together as well as exploring trust-building physical activities to strengthen bonding.”

The dating part translated fairly easily and made sense, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to ask about what trust-building activities he thought we should participate in. My first guesses were confusing and slightly dirty since he’d already talked about all the research he’d done, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to encourage that side of things just yet.

I still wasn’t sure how they had sex and if we were even compatible on that side of things. Now I was the one who was going to have to do research, but honestly, even if he was just an asexual Daddy and some kind of partner, it wouldn’t be a deal breaker. I had a very good right hand and enough grown-up toys that I could handle that part of my life fairly well without anyone else.

At the very least, based on the research he’d mentioned and the fact that he was comfortable with diapers said he wasn’t squeamish. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind holding me while I handled things on my own, so we’d figure it out.

Ignoring the fact that I was planning out options for our sex life before we’d gone on our first date, I snuggled closer to my new Daddy. “Yes, Daddy, I want to date you and get to know you more.”

That probably should’ve come first, but he wasn’t human, so I wasn’t going to worry about it. I had a lot of other things to focus on that seemed more important, like those trust-building activities.

Shifting me and the little octopus so he was almost cradling us, Daddy curled me into his body and seemed to wrap himself around me. “Were you aware that you require additional sleep and nourishment, little human?”

I giggled, nodding. “Yes, Daddy. I was doing inventory last night and then stayed up too late playing.”

And I hadn’t actually eaten much today.

He huffed, clearly not approving of that schedule at all. “That is not acceptable. I was advised that caretaking is very important. However, I did not fully grasp how necessary or immediate it would be.”

I wasn’t sure telling him how sweet he was would be the best move on my part when he was worrying about my not taking care of myself properly, so I nodded. “I’ll try to do better, Daddy.”

Wright made a low hum that, if he’d been human, I would’ve said meant he didn’t believe a word I’d said. “I shall endeavor to make sure that task is accomplished, little human.”

Yep, he didn’t believe me at all.

Daddy was so smart.

“Our first step will be to schedule appropriate nourishment and then you shall be put down for a nap.” The hug and confident smile he gave me as he explained the plan said he wasn’t expecting an argument. “Human developmental media suggests that children should be given two reasonable choices when making a decision.”

Oh, that was—

“You may choose for us to consume food at your abode and then you will show me your nursery or playroom for relaxation, or you may request that we eat at a local establishment before we go back to either of our personal habitats.” His tone made it obvious he was proud of the options, and honestly, they were reasonable for this situation.

Sure, I probably wouldn’t have invited any old human Dom over to put me down for a nap, but he wasn’t human.

So the regular rules didn’t apply, right?

This was definitely a special circumstance kind of first date.

Petting my head, Daddy Wright made a rocking motion like he was putting a baby to sleep. “You require renewal, little human.”

He wasn’t wrong, and damn, he was strong.

“Um, yes.” I needed a nap. “Um, we can go back to my place if you want.”

His pleased sound said he definitely wanted.

“Yes, that is a very good option.” I got another pat on the head as he smiled at me, proud of me this time. “You are very smart to trust your Daddy, little human.”

Some people might’ve debated that statement, but he was Daddy, so I wasn’t going to argue. “Thank you, Daddy.”

So we had a plan and I had a Daddy.

Now what?


Why had no one explained that the subvariant of human submissives labeled as littles were highly uncoordinated?