I was smart enough to sense the thousand and one holes in that explanation, but I was having a hard time worrying about it. He liked that I was little. He wasn’t messing around and wanted a relationship with a little. He looked pleased as fuck to call himself a Daddy.

“Does that mean you want to…what…date?” I’d never had a conversation like this with a Dom, but I’d never met a Dom like this guy.


“What’s your name?” Yep, had to know that too.

He went still again and this time I could feel how truly unmoving he was. Would it be rude to ask him not to do that when I was on his lap? He felt like a statue.

Oh, he moved…thank goodness.

“It seems I have skipped a step in the opening social interaction ritual of humans.” For a moment he looked frustrated, but it didn’t last long. “Finding a compatible human was a distracting moment. I will do better.”

Was distracting a good thing?

Before I had to make that decision, he sat straighter and looked delightfully serious. “I have taken the human designation Wright.”

“Like the Wright brothers?” I thought it was obvious, but his beaming smile said some people hadn’t made that connection before.

“Yes.” He gave me a hug and another pat on the back. “You are a very smart human.”

It was another good boy moment and I did my best not to melt into him but damned if whatever he could sense about me didn’t make it perfectly clear. His smile softened and he stroked over my head. “I will tell you how smart you are all the time, little human.”

Yep, he could read my…my something.


“I’d like that.” There was no point in lying about it when he could basically read my mind. “I’m Dane and I’d like to be called your good boy too.”

Making him figure that out on his own seemed stupid.

That earned me a hug and his limbs stroked over me like he was rewarding my good behavior. “I am proud of you for articulating your needs and for volunteering that information, little human Dane. Communication is very important when dating a human.”

Because we were frustrating.

“I’ll try.” I wasn’t going to promise anything until I figured out what that would entail and what the consequences of lying would be.

“I will also do my best to communicate my thoughts and needs to you, little human.” The limb that had been stroking my back shifted to pet over my head and something about the way the nubby things on his tentacle massaged my scalp sent tingles through me.

It wasn’t sexual but more like a wonderful massage that made me want to melt into him. I thought it’d been subtle, but my new friend looked pleased as punch and did it again. Yep, clearly he understood I liked being petted.

“One of my thoughts revolves around the status of your designation as a little.” Wright petted over my head again and seemed to take my statement that I wanted to know what he was thinking very seriously because he jumped right in. “How would you describe the stage of childhood that you mentally descend to when you assume your role as a little?”

That had me blinking for a few seconds. It wasn’t a hard question to figure out, but in my defense, everything about the situation was distracting. “Um, it depends on the situation, but I’m usually about five or so when I play, but I can go a lot younger than that when I’m being cuddled or in that kind of situation.”

Or if I had a partner who wanted to control more.

That always made me feel younger, but I wasn’t sure this was the right time to point that out. I had a feeling Wright would take that as an invitation, not an explanation.

“I have done extensive research on appropriate play activities for a variety of ages, and I have a thorough knowledge of bottles and diapers. I will be a very competent Daddy, little human.” He said it so seriously, I found myself nodding and taking it in like he’d told me about his resume.

“You sound very knowledgeable.” And he sounded sweet, but I wasn’t sure he’d appreciate that reaction.

I really didn’t know enough about him or his species to be this comfortable with him, but I had to fight the urge to curl into him and rest my head on his shoulder.

My praise had him petting my head more firmly and smiling when he stroked me just right to send waves of pleasure through me again. “Thank you, little human.”

His excitement at figuring out what I liked was so obvious I found myself sighing as he massaged my head a tiny bit harder. “I like that…thank you…”

Wright made a pleased sound and the limbs that were gently wrapped around me to brace me against his body tightened before relaxing again. “You are a very good boy for articulating your pleasures, little human.”