However, a dominant partner who identified as a Daddy and potential mate did not lie to one who submitted.

Interacting with humans was fascinating and took much mental dexterity.

Chapter 2


“What other forms does your playtime take?” My new friend seemed to have decided that avoiding my question was the best way to handle the situation.

If he hadn’t basically already told me he was some kind of genius, I’d have thought he’d forgotten. He hadn’t, and he wasn’t terribly good at changing the topic. We weren’t going to let him play poker under any circumstances. His words were fine, but his limbs went all squiggly when he came close to lying.

It was cute.

And I was going to pretend I hadn’t already thought everything he was doing was cute.

Before I could find a way to poke at him to get the answer, he sighed dramatically like he’d been watching TV soaps. “I should not hide my thoughts from a submissive human I wish to court.”

What the fuck had he been watching on TV?



My brain was entirely too slow to play catch-up, giving him the chance to continue before I could respond. “The dominant partner in a human relationship such as the one Amy and her Daddy have is required to be honest and upfront with their submissive.”

Was I his submissive already?

Oh, had I actually met anyone who said how they dated?

Had I actually met anyone who said how they had sex?

That might be important in the long run.

I really needed to pay more attention to the gossip channels online…oh, would that be one of the science ones instead?

I had questions and he kept piling on more.

“Here we are becoming acquainted so that I may see if you respond to me as the dominant partner. I have learned to identify human physiological responses such as arousal.” He said that so confidently I almost didn’t realize he was talking about knowing when someone was turned on.

As I marveled over that one, he shrugged and kept my brain whirling. “However, I have not found any research to explain the physical characteristics I should be looking for in Daddy-little pair-bonding.”

He looked so frustrated with himself, I actually reached out to pat his shoulder. “That’s okay. Humans are weird.”

I told myself I wasn’t going to worry about how awkwardly that’d come out. I had a feeling I’d end up with stranger sentences to panic over sooner or later.

“Thank you, little human.” Somehow he took the pat, or maybe whatever the fuck I was feeling, as permission to shift things in a very Daddy direction because he gathered me up in his limbs and basically sat me on his lap. “Until I learn to identify your responses and emotions in little headspace, you must articulate them to the best of your ability.”

I was back to wondering what I’d agreed to that’d landed me on his lap.

Not that I minded a good cuddle…and we were in public, so he’d behave himself.

But I still wasn’t sure how I’d ended up there.

“Um, yes, I can tell you what I’m thinking and feeling.” I had to fight to keep myself from calling him Daddy. “But…but what are you thinking and feeling? Um, we have a harder time figuring that out.”

And I was confused.

He didn’t seem to have the same thoughts running through his head, though.

He puffed up, looking very pleased with himself. “I am thinking I have found a human little in need of a Daddy who inspires thoughts of bonding and domination.”

Patting my back, he looked even happier as he continued to explain what was going through his head. “I am feeling very successful in my hunt for a human submissive partner.”

Shrugging, he looked frustrated with himself, but thankfully, I didn’t have to guess why. “That is not an appropriate emotion. However, we evolved from predators, not prey, so some lower-order influences must be accepted.”

Oh, there was so much to go through I wasn’t sure where to begin.

“It’s okay to be proud of yourself.” That probably wasn’t the right place to start, but I didn’t want him to feel bad about being excited…and it wasn’t like he was actually hunting me. He’d found me at a munch, not in the forest somewhere or even at a club.

Smiling, he stroked my back and made me feel like I’d been the best boy ever. “Thank you, little human.”

Since my emotions and thoughts seemed to be disagreeing on a few things, I focused on his. “Is inspiring thoughts of bonding a good thing?”

He was at a BDSM event, so the domination part seemed obvious. Nothing in his behavior said sub, and if he wasn’t sure about that part of all this, he hadn’t done enough research on being a Daddy.

“Yes.” Before I could explain that I needed more information, he continued. “Our species has evolved strong protective instincts in specific relationships. You inspire thoughts of having my own bonded mate, and I would like the opportunity to explore such a relationship with you.”