I probably should’ve started by asking his name, but he hadn’t asked mine, so I decided it didn’t matter.

“I work in aerospace engineering.” He said it like he was a dentist or something. “I have a familiarity with space.”


“That sounds fun.” It actually sounded stressful, but that didn’t seem like the right way to respond. “I’m glad you found something to do when you moved here.”

Hmm, that didn’t sound any better.

“Yes, it was an adjustment.” He shrugged and the wavy way his body moved had me wanting to touch him. Thankfully, he continued and I assumed he couldn’t tell how much I wanted to climb all over him.

He was like a big smooth jungle gym that moved.

“I enrolled in a university program. That helped me to understand how humans saw the mechanics of flight.” He shook his head like it was ridiculous. “Before something can be fixed, one must understand the flaws in its logic.”

Laughing would’ve been the wrong response, right?

“That sounds logical.” He had to learn where we’d fucked up before he could fix it. “You enjoy what you do now, though?”

His beaming smile and the pleased way he puffed up said that was a good assumption. “Yes, I find it very fulfilling.”

“That’s good.” I wouldn’t claim to be the best in social situations, but this was so new, I wasn’t sure if we were going to continue the small talk or not.

Gesturing toward the other side of the store where most of the people were hanging out, I jumped in with a slightly random question. “How did you find the group?”

“I have been in the store several times for reading material. The proprietor, Amy, did not mind answering questions about her relationship with the human male she calls Daddy.” Something about the look on his face and the way he didn’t say Ralph’s name said he didn’t like him either.

We seemed to have a lot in common.

“She’s nice.” I wasn’t going to admit what I thought of Ralph while we were in the store, but the way my new friend was studying me said he’d figured it out.

Hmm, hadn’t someone come into the store and mentioned that they could tell shit about us just by smells and heartbeats?

Was I thinking really loud?

Smelling like Ralph was a dickhead?

“She is exceedingly polite.” The almost neutral tone in his voice didn’t help me figure out what he thought of her beyond that. Did he like women? Did he not like women? Did he think she was cute?

Nodding, I tried to figure out how to ask any of that without sounding awkward at the very least. There didn’t seem to be a way.

Fuck it.

“Do you like male subs?” Yep, this whole friendship was going to be based around one awkward question after another.

“I do not have enough familiarity with intimate human social interactions to accurately answer that question without risking offense.” He shrugged as I tried to wrap my brain around that sentence. “I can very clearly state that I am looking to be a Daddy to a human little and I find no issue with your form or gender.”


“Okay.” What had he said? “I’ll do my best not to be offended by anything you tell me as long as you’re not mean about it.”

And as long as he said it more simply.

I wasn’t stupid, but he made me think way too hard sometimes.

“I’m glad you don’t have an issue with my form.” Keeping my voice low made me feel less stupid about that sentence, but I was pretty sure no one else could’ve heard us anyway. Most of the group seemed to be discussing different types of impact play, and I’d rather be talking about crayons versus markers.

My new friend didn’t think it was silly, though. He perked up. “Thank you, little human.”

“You’re welcome.” Now what? “Okay, another human would think this is too blunt and would call me rude, but I’m going to ask it anyway. What are we doing here?”

There were a few other female littles running around and I was pretty sure at least one was single, but he’d zeroed in on me, so…

My new friend cocked his head and his limbs went very still, but nothing made him seem upset, so I waited while he thought about the question. “I approve of highly direct questions and conversations. We do not consider it to be rude. Dancing around the topic, as humans might say, is much harder and not something we excel at.”

It was his turn to wait for me to think again and he seemed relieved when I nodded. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll remember that.”

So…now what?

Weirdest munch ever…but that might not be a bad thing.


Humans had the most interesting habit of asking questions they did not want to know the answer to.

From everything that I had experienced and researched, explaining to the little-presenting human that I wished to court him and test our potential to be mates was not a response he would expect or be able to process at this time.