He huffed again.

Telling myself over and over it wasn’t cute, I did my best to be patient. I wasn’t sure how he’d respond, but I wanted this to be a conversation, not a lecture.

“Perfection is not attainable, my Dane.” Shaking his head, he stroked one soft limb down my cheek. “Our goals and descriptors should be ones that can be practically reached.”


“You’re right.” Snuggling into him, I rested my head on his shoulder and petted one of the larger limbs that was wrapped around me. “I don’t mean it in a literal sense. I meant it in more of a…well, if I listed off everything I wanted in a Daddy, you would’ve fit everything on that list, but you’re kind of unexpected. So you’re perfect but still a surprise. Does that make sense? That’s why you make me smile so much.”

He made a soft, thinking sound as his limbs rippled soothingly around me. “Yes, in this situation I will accept that description of perfection.”

I managed not to laugh, but his sigh said he’d felt how cute I thought he was.

“Sorry.” Snuggling into him and stroking his hands as I tried to tone down the mental giggles into a more laid-back humor seemed to help him stop pouting. “You’re very sweet to me and I simply like being around you, Daddy Wright.”

That was honest and made him even happier.

It also made him comfortable enough to keep poking at his questions.

“You are a very sweet submissive human as well and usually well-behaved.” The pat on the head that accompanied the interestingly worded compliment made me smile again. He ignored it that time, though. “Please explain your additional emotions and thoughts. You may begin with our ascension to the second floor.”

Coming up the stairs…got it.

“I was thinking about the random questions I had.” This was such an odd way to have a relationship, but I was starting to get used to the explaining everything part. “I can’t remember all of them, but basically I’d been thinking about the bonding stuff we talked about at dinner.”

Okay, that hadn’t been as awkward as I thought it might be. “When we got home, I realized I hadn’t thought about how the rest of our night would go. I was wondering what you’d want to do and I started to…to frustrate myself, maybe? I wasn’t worried about you.”

I had no idea what my thoughts had felt like to him, so I figured that was something important to point out.

“Ah, as a submissive human, you required guidance I had not provided.” He patted my back, probably trying to be soothing as he shook his head. “I should have realized that. I will make my thoughts on our plans clearer. I will also do my best to provide you with appropriate choices when possible.”

Because you should always give submissive humans two good options to pick from.

He was so cute.

And he was probably right.

So as he ignored how cute I thought he was, I nodded. “That would’ve been nice. I start to overthink the situation when I don’t know what to expect. That’s why I like running my own business. I’m always the one that gets to decide what happens next.”

Working in more traditional environments had been stressful.

“Thank you for the additional information as to your emotional needs.” Giving me a hug, Daddy Wright stroked over my head. “You are a very good boy, my Dane.”

“Thank you, Daddy Wright.” Ignoring the warm feelings that gave me, I gestured toward the chair. “Why are we in here?”

His tone said that should’ve been obvious. “You find the motion soothing and your body responds with a variety of pleasure signals when I hold you securely.”

Yep, should’ve been obvious.

“You’re right.” But I didn’t want to have every conversation in the playroom. “How about we get another for the living room or my grown-up bedroom? This can be our talking chair for little stuff and we can use the other for more regular relationship discussions? I’ve got plenty of room.”

“Yes.” Daddy Wright looked around the room. “You have a deceptively large space for your home. The human dwellings I have seen that are labeled as apartments are usually smaller.”

“It was originally two small units a long time ago. When my grandfather bought the building, he renovated it to combine them both.” Stroking his limb, I kissed his cheek. “You’d have liked him. He was very straightforward and said exactly what he was thinking.”

He’d pissed humans off left and right, but he’d have liked Wright.

“When he died about five years ago, I inherited the building. I actually own the bookstore and all the way down to the café.” I didn’t volunteer that to most people—even Amy didn’t know. Everyone talked to the management company that’d been running things since my grandfather had gotten older.

I had enough on my plate running the shop, so I let them continue handling the day-to-day stuff. “Most people don’t know that, though, Daddy Wright. So we’re going to keep that private.”