The mornings were usually quiet and a great time to get work done.

His body seemed to relax and the excitable twitching had stopped, which said we were moving in a better direction. “Yes, I would enjoy spending additional time with you, my Dane.”

The more he calmed down, the more his tentacle teased over my hand, doing the twirling motion around my fingers that he’d done on my dick earlier. It definitely brought back fond memories and his pleased expression said he knew it too.

“I will also endeavor to ignore the dangers of your work environment.” He seemed resigned to that even though I wasn’t sure how it could be worrying him. I ran a craft shop. I wasn’t even using heavy machinery unless you counted the occasional glue gun.

“Um, thank you?” I wasn’t sure what to say even though it needed to be addressed in some way. “I know you’re worried about me but I enjoy my work.”

Daddy Wright’s nod said he understood, but he still wasn’t happy. “Yes, humans need a variety of mental and physical stimulation to be happy. It is worrisome but understandable.”

This was such a weird conversation.

“When you guys have…when you have this kind of relationship, how does it work? There seem to be some big differences with humans.” It seemed to be a reasonable way to take the conversation because he really shouldn’t be upset that I still wanted a job.

Making a thinking sound that was adorable, he wiggled and looked cute and guilty while he worked up the courage to explain something he knew I wouldn’t like. When he finally gave in and realized he was just going to have to do it, he glanced around and dropped his voice again.

“In our bonding, the partner who submits chooses to do so completely.” He paused for a reaction, but I didn’t know what he meant.

If I was supposed to be shocked, I’d missed something important. “How completely?”

“Completely.” The succinct answer had my eyes widening and his slow nod said he knew I’d finally gotten it. “It is something close to a biological imperative. However, we choose it deliberately.”

This time when he paused, my brain was working to sort through everything and I was glad to have the quiet moment.

As he continued, his behavior and logic made a lot more sense. “One protector. One who requests protection. It is considered a great honor to be chosen to protect. We also have great respect for those who choose to submit. It shows immense trust in their bonded.”

Oh yeah.

Swallowing, I did my best to project calm while I thought about what he’d said. There wasn’t anything I was specifically worried about, but it was still a lot of information at once.

The one thing that hit me was that it explained why his first thoughts were always about keeping me safe. It also made it clear why he’d never made me feel lesser for being a sub. He didn’t see it as something negative in any way.

“I’m glad you see that it's not exactly the same between us.” Because we wouldn’t work otherwise. “We’ll figure it out because we’re great at communicating.”

Yes. We just needed good communication and a few reminders that things like butter knives weren’t as inherently dangerous as Daddy Wright assumed.


My Dane’s emotional reaction was much less stressful than anticipated. Were submissives who identified as littles more logical than other variants?

Chapter 8


Now what?

As we made it back to my place, I realized I should’ve done more thinking about what would happen after dinner and less worrying about things I couldn’t control…like bonding.

That was still a slightly nebulous concept, but this was happening right now.

Did he want me to be little?

Did he want us to have sexy times again?

Did he just want to hang out?

Was he ever going to let me go up the stairs without a tentacle seat belt?

I had a pretty good idea about how he’d answer that last question and just thinking about it made me smile as I locked the door behind us and he finally released my seat belt. Walking belt? Daddy Wright took that moment to wrap two of his larger tentacles around me, pinning my back against his torso.

“You are giving off highly variable signals, my Dane.” The slightly huffy tone to his voice said he didn’t appreciate the swings in my mood. “Please elaborate.”

Where to start?

When I didn’t answer quickly enough, he picked me up and tucked me against his torso as he walked us into the playroom. The fact that my glider seemed to now be our conversation chair had me trying not to laugh.

“You are still variable, my Dane.” His disappointed tone did not help my terrible sense of humor, but I did my best to stop since it was obviously confusing Daddy Wright.

“Sorry.” As he settled us down in the glider and started rocking, I kissed his cheek and did my best to figure out where to start. “A lot of times I’m going to find something you do really cute or funny. We come from very different backgrounds and I don’t mean it negatively at all. I don’t want to be confusing either, but sometimes you’re sweet and so perfect it makes me smile.”