I really shouldn’t get that much pleasure from being called his good boy, but whatever he sensed from me had him looking even prouder. I wanted to respond verbally, because it seemed like something I should thank him for, but he threw all my brain cells into the wind as he fucked my slit with the tiniest nubby thing on one of his smaller tentacles.

The jolt of desire it sent through me as he turned me nearly inside out with pleasure had him making happy sounds and wrapping his tentacles around me to hold me tight. “You must not be allowed to injure yourself during pleasure time, my Dane.”

A seat belt during sex was not sexy.

No, that was not sexy.

That was…


“Daddy Wright…” As I squirmed and begged for something…anything…his limbs tightened around me even more, completely immobilizing me in the most incredible way possible. “That’s…I…”

The real world was getting more and more difficult to cling to as the way he was controlling every part of me had subspace teasing at the edges of my brain. I’d never had even the most well-planned scenes get me this crazy this quickly, and it had the last remaining brain cells I could muster marveling at how incredible Daddy Wright was.

“Good boy, my Dane.” His limbs pulsed around me like the best full-body pat I could’ve imagined, sending sparks of need and the most incredible happiness through me. Daddy Wright said I was a good boy. “You are very obedient. I am proud of your vocal submission.”

He obviously knew how much I loved the trapped feeling his limbs gave me and didn’t let up. He was making soft, happy sounds as he found new ways to fuck my dick and new patterns to twirl around my cock and balls to make me whine, but that was when things got even more mind-blowing.

Daddy got confident.

“There are numerous erogenous zones on the human male body.” He seemed almost delighted to be able to pass on that bit of information. “It is fascinating. You were strangely designed to experience pleasure in a variety of different ways.”

And it seemed like he was ready to explore every one of them while he edged me like a pro, subtly changing tactics every time I got close enough to come.

He clearly didn’t want our educational time to end too quickly.

As the nubs on his smaller tentacles plucked at my nipples, my squirms and cries and maybe just whatever the fuck my body was doing had him making the cutest, delightfully excited sounds like he’d figured out how to eat his favorite ice cream during an orgy.

Yep, even if it wasn’t sex to him, whatever the fuck this was made him very happy.

Thank fuck.

That meant no worries about wanting to be jerked off or, oh…fucked.

“I do not understand how this can be an erogenous zone.” I didn’t have the brains to explain it as one tentacle teased around the tight opening he’d started exploring.

“Evolutionary biology would seem to dictate this as an area that should be avoided to prevent injury.” The curious tone in his voice as he shallowly fucked my ass made me feel a bit like a science experiment…and it turned out that was a kink I hadn’t known I had.

“You do find it to be pleasurable. How wonderful.” He beamed excitedly as either the moan I let out or the full-body shiver that raced through me as I clenched around him told him how much I was enjoying his new form of fun. “I was advised that not all human males enjoy penetrative sexual pleasure, but I am pleased to discover it is an activity we can both enjoy.”


Gonna come.


Gonna come.

“It seems that the information I was given on anal physiology was also correct. My skin is smooth enough that you do not require lubricant to facilitate penetrative pleasure.” For some reason confirming that earned me a pat on the head. “I do not need to get you slimy in order to give you stimulation, my Dane.”

It was not the time for laughter—I knew that with every part of my being—but the image of mayo and him talking about my being slimy was the only thing that came to mind and I knew I would remember that moment forever.

Yay, I didn’t have to get slimy for him to play with me.


“You also stretch, my Dane.” He proved that point by making his dick-like tentacle swell and pulse in a rhythmic beat that had my prostate going crazy and dirty fantasies of knotting flooding my brain.

I was starting to understand why he’d needed to explain that I wouldn’t get pregnant.

Pleasure fired through me as he used his tentacle to give me the best fuck of my life. It was mentally and physically the most overwhelming experience and I knew I’d never be the same.