“Your fears are unfounded, little human.” Stroking one tentacle over my head, he wrapped another tight around me and got my binkie with another.

He was magic, but that didn’t mean he could leave.

“I have no intention of leaving you.” Sliding my binkie in my mouth, he stroked over my forehead as another tentacle patted my back. “I cannot take care of you adequately if you are left alone. Do not worry.”




I was pretty sure I should be worried about something, but Daddy kept patting me and stroking me and even though I told myself I wasn’t tired, my eyes didn’t listen.


The human mind was their greatest weakness and strength.

It was fascinating and highly stress inducing. Pirates being ravished. Concerning emotional responses regarding instinctual bodily reactions. Fears of abandonment. It was exhausting to watch and explained the need for humans to psychologically reset on a regular basis with relaxation and naps.

I would be diligent in preventing my Dane from injuring himself through stress and the overuse of his imagination for stressful fantasy play.

Chapter 5


I wasn’t alone.

Why wasn’t I alone?

Shit. I had a Daddy.

“Your heart rate has increased significantly, little human.” Daddy’s voice got closer until I knew he was beside my bed. “Have you become injured again?”

Memories of the butter knife and slipping in the bathtub made me groan.

He was never going to forget that.

“No, Daddy.” Might as well be honest. “I just forgot I had a Daddy for a second.”

“Human brains are fascinating.” Daddy seemed to think that summed it up nicely as he pulled back my covers and stroked one hand over my face. “You must inhale and exhale slowly and do your best to remember that as your Daddy, my primary responsibility is your safety.”

Deep breath. Don’t be scared because Daddy was here?

As my mind finished waking up, I started to remember why I’d invited him back to my place to begin with. He was so cute. And definitely not a human Dom.

Peeking my eyes open, I nodded. “I remember now.”

That didn’t tell me what to do next, though.

“You’re here.” Okay, well, I’d figured out something. “Thank you.”

That was reasonable…and polite, right?

“Leaving you was not an option, but I understand your fear-based response to abandonment.” Daddy Wright made a firm nod and wrapped me up in his tentacles, pulling a bark of laughter from me as he sat us down on my big chair. “Evolving from prey animal to the dominant life form on your planet would leave…mental oddities.”

When I was settled on his lap, giggling and way too close to being naked for me to know what to do, he curled his limbs around me and started the glider going back and forth. “Your heart rate increased again, little human. Please articulate the reason.”

Daddy Wright liked honesty.

Daddy Wright liked honesty.

Fuck it.

If honesty would make things weird, I needed to know it now before I somehow ended up living with him.

Curling into him, I hid my face against what would be his shoulder if he was human. “You really want me to be honest about that answer, right? I mean, sometimes humans ask questions and then get frustrated when you tell them the truth. I like how honest you are but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Or me uncomfortable.

Daddy Wright kept rocking, but he was so quiet I knew his mind was working on whatever he saw as the problem. “Yes. The human expression of honesty being the best policy is the only way to communicate effectively between our species. I cannot fix a problem I am not aware of.”

Okay, he wasn’t wrong about that and it was clear Daddy Wright liked fixing problems…and taking care of me…and that thought brought my brain back to bath time.

And now my heart was beating too fast and I was embarrassed.

“Little human Dane, silence and wiggling are not an acceptable form of communication until I have the ability to read you better.” His slightly frustrated and definitely Daddy tone said he wasn’t going to put up with what he saw as my ridiculousness.

Wait. So eventually it would be okay?

That was good to know, but it didn’t help me now.

Sighing, I nodded and decided to stay hidden. “Um, I was nervous and didn’t know how to act when I realized I was just in my undies and T-shirt.”

Daddy Wright kept rocking us, but he went very still and made a thinking sound that was so cute and so human I knew he’d picked it up from TV or somewhere like that. “Humans have very interesting reactions to clothing and nudity.”

That said everything and nothing.

“Yeah, sometimes.” Now what? “But I feel safe with you. It was just…I’m a bit nervous 'cause I don’t know what to do.”

The way he was stroking over my head and rocking us made part of me want to relax, but that led to other problems and made me anxious again when I realized I was getting hard.