“Um, I have a binkie sometimes? Oh, and my bear. And I need a drink of water, Daddy.” Yes, I needed that too. “And a snack?”

Daddy shook his head. “That is not believable, little human. You may request a snack after your nap.”

Shoot. Too soon.

I almost found more things to ask for, but Daddy started washing my hands and arms and slowly stroking my back. He was sneaky. He was making me tired. “I need…I just…”

Oh no, I did it again.

Yawns were sneaky like Daddies.

“You need a regular sleep schedule and to be monitored for overexertion.” Daddy said it like he wasn’t going to be questioned, so I just pouted.

He kept washing, and then when he got to my belly button, he put another tentacle under my butt and lifted me up.

“Oh, Daddy.” He was so strong. “Now I’m the pirate ship.”

That made Daddy actually laugh.

The funny sound made me giggle as he scrubbed my legs. “You will not be made to walk the plank. You will be made to nap.”

“Oh, Daddy.” I’d rather walk the plank, but after I asked my question. “Daddy?”

“Yes, little human?” The way he scrubbed my toes made me wiggle but then he started back up my legs and I remembered my question.

“Are you gonna wash my thingy?” Some Daddies did that but I wasn’t sure if my Daddy was going to do that.

He was kinda special.

“I am under the assumption that thingy is the current designation for your external genitals?” Daddy looked very seriously at my thingy and then wrapped one of his little tentacles around the base and wiggled it as he looked at it like it might be a bug. “Yes. I shall wash your thingy. You have an amazing capacity to get dirt everywhere, so there is probably mayonnaise on your penis.”

Well, he wasn’t wrong about the messy part.

But as he washed my thingy and between my legs, I had to remind him that I’d been a good boy. “I didn’t touch my thingy when I was making the sandwich, Daddy. I was very good.”

Daddy nodded and started rinsing me off. “Yes, you were very good by not manipulating your penis while making our lunch. That would have been highly dangerous. You were using blunt instruments and you injured your hand.”

Shaking his head as he picked me up out of the tub, he looked more worried than when I’d poked myself with the knife. “You could have injured your penis, little human.”


“But I didn’t ’cause I kept my hands out of my pants.” Daddy didn’t look like he believed me. “Honest, I’ll be very good.”

Daddies were so suspicious.

“Human males find great importance in their external genitals.” Wrapping the towel around me, Daddy picked me up again. “I will make sure you do not injure your penis and we will discuss in great detail the best practices for keeping it safe and clean.”

I wasn’t sure if that should be scary or funny, but I giggled anyway.

Daddy said penis.

“You are very tired because I am positive there was no humor in that statement.” Daddy didn’t understand why that made me laugh again. “You will require a schedule that involves additional rest, little human.”

Daddy was so bossy.

“Yes, Daddy.” Curling into him, I pointed toward the door. “My little room has my stuff, Daddy.”

“The room that carries the scent of wax and paper?” When I nodded and giggled, Daddy headed toward my little room and ignored my sillies. “I am very glad to see that you have taken care to satisfy your little side in my absence. I have read about many human submissives who do not have a playroom or nursery, and I found that to be most alarming.”

“I was a good boy while I waited for you, Daddy.” Yawning again, I made sure not to close my eyes so I didn’t look too tired. “I colored and played and I waited for you.”

Yes, I was very good.

And I was very patient while Daddy picked out my undies and my undershirt.

He was so smart he even knew I had to match.

When I was dressed in my train undies and my special shirt, he picked me up again and took me to my cute bed. It was little and soft and it had lots of blankets and all my stuffies. “Daddy…I…I need…”

I needed something, but I forgot what.

“You need to sleep, little human.” Daddy tucked me in and didn’t even give me time to find another reason why I wasn’t tired. He was very stubborn…and very fast. “If you wait patiently, I will find your binkie, little human.”

Oh, I needed my binkie.

“But you have to come back.” Oh, what if he didn’t come back? “And you have to stay. You can’t go. You have to make sure I take my nap.”

As I wiggled my fingers toward my big chair next to the bed where my binkie was hiding, I pouted. “You can’t leave yet, Daddy.”