“I will make sure you do not injure yourself.” Picking up my ship, he pushed it through the bubbles. “Playtime is mentally soothing, little human.”

Daddy was trying to distract me.

Oh, it was working…Daddy was a sea monster.


Human littles were a danger to themselves.

Somehow his coordination was worse than anticipated. However, it was too early to tell if it was physically related to his submission or psychological in nature. His own feet caused him potential injury, the bluntest of kitchen utensils could damage him, and he fell while sitting down. Admittedly, a loss of friction may have played a role, but to date, the data I had collected suggested a connection with his submission was much more likely.

My Dane would require constant supervision to keep healthy, but I was up to the task. I was his Daddy.

Chapter 4


His tentacle came up from under the boat and he made it rock and slosh. “They are being attacked, little human.”

“Man overboard.” Splashing my hand in the water, I searched for the pirate who’d fallen off the boat. “He’s going to get eaten by the monster.”


Wiggling as close as I could since I was still kinda stuck, I kissed Daddy’s cheek. “Just for pretend. You’re not slimy or scary or a monster or big enough to sink a pirate ship, Daddy.”

What else?

“Oh, and I know you wouldn’t eat him, or drown him, or take him off to an island and ravish him.” I’d read a story online where the monster did naughty things to the pirate, and Daddy was too nice to do something like that.

Daddy cocked his head and frowned. “That is not appropriate imaginary play. Your entertainment media may need to be monitored for violence and sexual content, little human.”


“Man overboard, Daddy.” Digging around in the water, I found one of the pirates and pushed him up out of the bubbles.

“I’ve got to save him.” Yes, that was much more important than showing Daddy the stories I’d found. “Oh no, the boat is sinking.”

Daddy sighed.

He looked very human doing that.

It was cute, but it was also kind of scary because I had a feeling Daddy wasn’t going to forget anything. That could be dangerous because little me forgot where he put his filter lots of the time.

Daddy was a very nice Daddy and nodded. “We must not let him drown, little human.”


Saved by the drowning pirate.

Hmm, I probably shouldn’t tell Daddy the pirates had made people walk the plank last bath time. He probably wouldn’t find that as funny as me. Oh, and I probably shouldn’t tell Daddy about what they’d done to the aliens.


Daddy liked happy playtime.

“Lots of man overboards.” They were everywhere. “Man the dinghy. Hurry. The monster is going to sink the ship.”

Looking up at Daddy, I gave the big tentacle that was keeping me stuck…oops, safe…a pat. “Because he’s very strong and he knows the pirates were naughty. He’s the hero.”

If Daddy were human, he’d have rolled his eyes. “Your imaginary play is highly questionable.”

Daddy was so cute.

“It’s pretend, Daddy.” Patting him again, I tried to smile big. “How about next time they’re scientists and they talk to the…to the Kraken?”

Wasn’t that a big sea monster that we didn’t call a monster?

I’d read a book about that and the scientist fell in love with the big sea monster that wasn’t a monster.

“They’ll be very happy.” Yes, happy playtime for Daddy or he’d get stressed…and worse…he’d ask to see my books. “Lots of happy people.”

Daddy still looked slightly skeptical, but he was a wonderful sea monster until the most terrible thing ever happened.

I yawned.

“It is time to finish cleaning you, little human.” Daddy picked up my boat and all my people all at the same time.

Even pouting didn’t help.

“But Daddy, I have to…I need to…we have to save the pirates?” Shoot. “Um, we have to teach them manners?”

Daddy froze, cocking his head and giving me his Daddy look again. “If you can explain the process by which we would educate them on manners, I will concede.”


“Um, we can make them walk the plank if they use naughty words?” Daddy’s sigh said that was not the right answer.

“You are tired.” As he finished picking up my toys out of the water, he stroked my head, sending tinglies through me because of the nubby bits. “If you were not so tired, you would have found a more logical falsehood.”

Ugh, smart Daddies were so hard.

“I’m not tired, Daddy.” Maybe a little sleepy but not tired. “I…I need a snack?”

As I tried to think up another good reason why I didn’t need a nap—which was hard because I needed a nap—Daddy picked up the soap and found a washcloth with his magic tentacles that could pat and rub at the same time. “What relaxation articles do you need to find sleep, little human?”


I was too tired to figure out why I shouldn’t nap.