She was off like a hummingbird, as usual. Most of the crowd was starting to dissipate now, leaving tables full of empty glasses and plates. The club took on a different feeling as it began emptying out, and with each group of people that left, the place felt bigger. Grander. Surreal that we’d actually sold this place out, just a few guys with a home renovation show who had been nobodies until very recently.

“Please tell me you want to head to the brewery now,” I said. “Because the longer I stay in this place, the more I feel like I’m in some strange dream.”

“The brewery sounds like fucking heaven right now. Let’s get the caravan rolling,” Jax said, letting out a relieved laugh. “And fuck that. Tonight isn’t a dream. It’s real, baby. You’re stuck with me.”

My cock stiffened, pressed up against my leg.

“Is it wrong that that turns me on?” I said.

“All mine,” Jax said, nuzzling near the side of my face and pressing a small kiss to my temple. “Next time Kim or anyone else tells you some weird shit, though, just let me know. Right away. We can tackle anything, but I want to do it together. You know?”

The spot behind my sternum ached. “Yes,” I said. “And that’s why I love you.”

“Fucking. Love. You,” he said, punctuating each word with a kiss—on my cheek, then my neck, then the top of my head.



I walked out of the tall, brick building surrounded by a rush of students. A cold wind hit me in the face, pushing the hood of my sweatshirt off of my head.

I leaned back, letting the cold wash over my skin and taking a deep breath of the late fall afternoon air. By now, all of the leaves had fallen to the ground and hints of winter were starting to peek through more and more each day, but right now, nothing could bother me.

I’d just finished the hardest exam I’d ever taken in my college career. Physiological Psychology was one of the most complex classes I’d ever taken, and for this exam I’d had to memorize so many molecular pathways in the human brain that I was pretty sure my own brain was going to end up fried.

But I’d done it. And now I was free. There were still a few more finals and essays for my other classes, but they’d be a breeze.

I pulled out my phone, navigating to my messages with Charlie.

>>Jax: It’s over. I’m a free man.

>>Charlie: And you aced it, I’m sure?

>>Jax: I owned.

>>Charlie: Who knew I’d have a boyfriend who’s hot *and* a genius?

>>Jax: Normally I’d say I hate you, but…

>>Charlie: But you love me.

>>Jax: I love you. So fucking much.

>>Charlie: See you in a few.

Charlie was picking me up to head over to Jade Brewery. Now that the test was over, tonight was a night like any other, and I had a shift bartending. But lately every “normal” day felt like something special. As if dating Charlie had put a technicolor filter over my entire life.

It turned out that falling in love made every little aspect of life brighter. More vivid. It also made my school, work, and athletics feel like even more of a juggling act than it already was, but for the first time ever, I didn’t mind. I wasn’t stressed or tense or sweating the small stuff.

I’d even smiled the other day at a kid who kicked dirt in my face during my volunteer soccer game. I’d been all smiles, openhearted and hoping the best for him. He was just learning. Growing. Maybe he would be in love, too, one day.

In other words, I had realized that I was a total fucking romantic sap thanks to Charlie, and I didn’t give a damn who knew it.

I picked up into a light jog as I made my way back to the frat house, enjoying the rejuvenating burn in my muscles. I swung open one of the front doors when I was back, tossing off my hoodie and heading straight for the kitchen.

“Oh,” I said as I entered.

Charlie was already there, sitting at the long dining table, leaning back and sipping a Gatorade. Stevie and Aaron were in the kitchen, too, standing over the stove and trying to make some sort of pasta dish.

“There he is,” Stevie said.

“You made it back fast,” Charlie said, smiling at me.

“Look at you, kicking back in that chair like you live here,” I teased him. I walked up behind him and slid my hands around his chest, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.

It was so nice to not have to think about anything as I kissed him—I didn’t worry that I was kissing a guy in front of my frat brothers, I didn’t worry about the fact that we weren’t being filmed right now, and I definitely didn’t worry about whether or not Charlie wanted this.