I pressed in as slowly as I could, my mind scattering to a dozen different places all in one moment. I thought of how good this would feel if he did it to me—pain, to be sure, but also the distinct feeling of someone else filling you up. I thought about every inch of me, how impossible it seemed that I’d ever be able to get it all inside him, but also knowing that I was absolutely going to do it.

And I thought about him. He’d changed my whole world, and this was just one of countless ways he’d keep changing it.

“Doing okay?” I said, surprised by my own breathy voice.

“Yes,” he said. “I can take a little more.”

With that he pushed back onto me, a slow little thrust with his hips that took another inch of me in. It was my turn to groan deeply now at the new rush of tight warmth.


“Stay there,” he said. “Just for a few seconds. God, yes.”

The planes of muscles on his back were like a goddamn piece of art. He had worked himself up to being on all fours, and I got to see his raw strength as he strained against the pain. His hair was a fluffed-up mess in the way I loved, a little halo around his head, framed by the amber light from the window.

We worked like this together for the next few minutes, opening him up and getting him used to my size. He was the one to push back against me to take the last inch of me, finally, his ass cheeks hitting the skin of my thighs.

I swore I could have come. I held back with all of the effort I could muster.

“Incredible,” he said, and he began to rock his hips back and forth on my shaft. I dared to look down for a moment, catching sight of his ass cheeks rutting up against me.

“Obscene. That is too hot.”

“Am I in trouble, professor? You going to punish me?”

“Don’t you dare try to role play with me right now,” I told him. “I’ll come in two seconds, and I want to keep fucking you.”

“Good to know,” Charlie murmured. “Next time, though, you’re going to be my professor, and I’m going to be a very, very bad little student—”

“Christ,” I said, dangerously close to an orgasm. I lifted a hand and gave him a little smack on the ass.

“As if I’m not about to come, too?” he uttered as I thrust a little harder into him, testing how much he could take. “I think I’m going to need your cock a lot—goddamn—”

His words were coming out broken now as I picked up speed, truly fucking him for the first time. His tight grip around my cock was too good. I didn’t know how the hell I was ever going to get anything done if I ever got the chance to be his actual boyfriend, because I needed this all of the time, too.

“You’re going to make me come,” he said, breathless, a lot sooner than I’d expected. In my surprise I stopped for a moment, and he turned to me with a fierce glare. “Don’t stop.”

“Of course, baby,” I said, the nickname slipping out of my mouth with ease. I’d only ever called him that at the beginning of our fake relationship, but it was every bit the real deal now, and it only seemed to turn him on more.

I watched as he reached in front of him, stroking his cock while I fucked him harder, and I could tell he was close by how tightly he was clenching around my cock.

“So close—”

“Come for me,” I said, my voice low but steady. “I am going to fucking fill you up—”

His moan cut me off and his ass squeezed around me. “I’m yours,” he said in a ragged voice. “God fucking damn it, I am yours.”

It was a short circuit to every nerve in my body. I let out a deep groan as I came inside him, knowing that he was finally able to trust me like I trusted him. Finally able to let himself. Heat pooled in my groin as my fingertips dug into his hips and I filled the condom inside him, cresting with every fucking pulse as I came, bending over him and thrusting in as deep as I could go.

“And I’m all yours,” I muttered. “Kind of always have been.”

His words orbited around my mind. Did he mean it just like any other sexy thing to say after getting fucked?

Or could it have meant even more?

We stayed like that for at least a minute, hot and exhausted and completely spent. Everything was surreal as I pulled out of him and we cleaned up, still breathing heavy and sweaty and hot as hell.

He leaned his head against my shoulder as we stood beside the bed. “Rinse off with me before we crash?”