“She’s certainly good at giving a speech,” I said. My own champagne glass was full of apple cider, and Nathan and I clinked our glasses and took a sip.

The crew had transformed the Fixer Brothers lobby into a ritzy gala in a matter of hours. Lights were strung up along the ceiling, casting the whole room in a twinkly glow. Caterers circled around offering little bites of quiche, tiny glazed meatballs, and tomato mozzarella skewers that were delicious but so small that I wanted ten of each. The space was also stuffed to the brim with people who looked camera-ready, with very tan skin and very fancy clothes on, milling around, chatting about nothing, and occasionally going off to the corner to have their photos taken with each other.

I adjusted my shirt, the buttoned-up collar more constricting than what I was used to.

“You see anyone in here that catches your eye?” Nathan said, leaning in to gently nudge my shoulder.

I snorted. I took another sip of my cider, glancing around. “You know I’m banned from dating right now, boss. And all of these people live in Los Angeles, anyway.”

“So? There ain’t nothing wrong with a little hanky-panky before they have to get back on their private jets and go home. I’m sure at least some of these guys are gay, or curious enough.”

“Private jets?” I asked. “They aren’t that rich. What do you think network professionals make?”

Nathan grinned. “I’m sure their toilets are coated with diamonds.”

“You’re the one who’s dating the most famous person in here.” I looked over to Nathan’s boyfriend, Kace, who was attracting quite a little crowd in the corner.

“Pro football players are different,” Nathan said. “And Kace… Kace isn’t like anyone else on Earth.”

“I’m gonna puke. You two get more lovey-dovey every day.”

“Yeah,” Nathan said, getting a little dreamy-eyed as he looked over at Kace. “He’s just it, for me, you know?”

“I know, I know.”

There was a strange mixture of emotions I had felt over the last year, watching both of my bosses fall head-over-heels in love with their partners. It was incredible to see them find guys so perfect for them, but with each passing day I couldn’t help but think that something must be broken inside me. It all seemed to come so easily for them. Both had barely even cared about dating before finding the loves of their lives.

Yet I’d been trying so, so hard. Meeting people for years on end, waiting for my moment. And it just hadn’t come.

A familiar prickle hit my spine, and I knew that what I wanted was to march right up to the open bar and order the strongest drink I could get. But the urge was less strong, these days. I knew I wasn’t going to go down that road, even if the thought crossed my mind a hundred times.

I headed off toward the bar to get another apple cider and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jax appear at the threshold of the hallway, coming out to join the party.

He’d put on a sage green button-up shirt underneath a cream-colored blazer, and he looked like he belonged in here. Like he could be a Hollywood actor himself, actually, dressed to fancy-but-casual perfection. Good God, he looked good in cocktail attire.

His eyes scanned the party, just as wide-eyed as I had been seeing the transformation of the lobby. I waved at him and he brightened as he saw me, heading over my way.

“Holy shit,” he said when he was at my side. “Welcome to the Ritz Carlton. I can smell money in the air.”

“That shade of green is monstrously good on you,” I said, my eyes flitting from his shirt to his eyes and back again.

“Thank you,” he said. “I got this set for a fancy charity event my frat was involved in last year. I did get a lot of compliments that night.”

“I bet you did,” I told him, running my fingertips along the front of his chest for a moment. “How was your studying? If you still have more to do, I’m going to kick your ass right back into that office. I don’t care how good you look standing next to me out here.”

A little smile came over his face and he stretched his arms over the top of his head. “Not to brag, but I made flash cards and memorized them in record time. I’m exhausted, but I’m going to be fine for the test.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” I said. “Our afterparty is going to consist of you giving me those flash cards and me quizzing the everliving fuck out of you.”

“You’re the first person who’s ever made flash cards sound hot.”

I laughed and the line for the bar moved up so that we were next. “Want a drink?” I asked him.