“Told Charlie I’d come a little earlier than the meet and greet,” I said. “Pre-party moral support. I knew he was going to be all nervous beforehand.”

Nathan beamed at me. “You know him so well. Come on, his office is right back here. Last I heard he’s choosing between one shade of grey and another for his shirt.”

Nathan led me down the hallway, past the long desk at the front. The Fixer Brothers offices were slick and modern at the same time as being homey and warm—there were plenty of natural wood beams along the ceiling and in front of the front desk, but every inch of the interior was just as clean and fresh as their remodel jobs always were.

Right now, a few event workers were setting up tall, round cocktail tables all along one end of the front lobby. Caterers were unstacking big metal trays for later, and a guy who must have been a photographer was unrolling a backdrop in one corner for photo ops.

“Damn. I didn’t realize the party was this official,” I said. “I hope it’s okay that I didn’t bring a tie.”

“No tie needed,” Nathan told me. “I’m sure the higher-ups from the network are going to be wearing Hawaiian shirts, anyway. They’re all from LA. Even more of them are coming in next week for the premiere.”

“Jesus Christ, the premiere is next week, isn’t it?” I asked. “I knew the date was coming up, but until now it always felt like a far-off thing.”

“It came at us way too fast,” Nathan said. “Don’t tell the other guys, but I’m terrified.”

“You guys are about to be superstars. You know that, right?”

Nathan seemed nervous as he considered what I’d said. “It’s freaking me out. I can’t help but think everyone’s just going to hate it. Who needs another renovation show, you know?”

“Trust me when I tell you, there are never too many home renovation shows.”

This earned a laugh from him. “Kace tells me I’m nuts. But he already loves me, so he has to say that.”

“Kace is right,” I said. “And the Fixer Brothers show isn’t going to just be another renovation show, because there’s nobody else like you guys. People already loved Charlie on Kace’s show, and they’re only going to fall harder for all of you.”

“I get why Charlie likes you so much,” Nathan said. “You’re like a personal hype-man.”

It gave me little butterflies in my stomach to hear that. The idea of Charlie talking about me at all to his friends was enough to keep me going.

We turned back toward the hallway. “Anyway, this place is going to be packed in a couple of hours. Enjoy the calm while you can. The door over on the left there is Charlie’s,” he said, giving me a little wave. “I have to go return a call from Kim before she chews me out.”

The door to Charlie’s office was cracked, and I knocked lightly before pushing it open.

“Charlie?” I said, opening it to see him with a slate grey shirt on, fully unbuttoned. His chest and abs were on display, with the edges of his side tattoos peeking out.

“You found me,” he said, smiling at me even though I was standing there like a dumbass, drooling over his body with my cheeks flaring hot.

“Found you looking hotter than hell,” I muttered.

His office was very small but cozy as hell, with packed bookshelves, stacks of paperwork on the desk, and one slim window that looked out to a bunch of pine trees. The late afternoon light filtered in through the window, falling in little glowy patches all over Charlie’s skin.

“Does this look weird on me?” he asked. “I think I need to go for the lighter colored one, but I was going to let you decide because you’re better with this stuff.”

My cock was already thickening under my pants from seeing him half-dressed. From seeing him at all, really.

“You already know I think you look good in everything,” I said. “I am the wrong fucking person to ask.”

“You’re too nice to me.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, making no secret of looking him up and down. “As if you don’t love it?”

I dropped my jacket on the edge of his desk, taking a couple of steps closer toward him and leaning in. I nuzzled my face close against his neck, breathing in his scent like I was some sort of animal.

Fuck, it felt like I needed this. Like a drug I’d been fiending for since the last time I saw him. Had it only been two days?

He let out a slow breath that I felt along my neck. I turned my head back up again to face him, hovering for just a moment with my lips right near his before gently brushing my lips against his. It was the slightest tease of a kiss that I was pretty certain he wanted just as much as I did.