“Holy shit,” I said, realizing what I was feeling. “It’s here. It’s finally here.”

“What?” Nathan asked.

“The fall feeling,” I said.

“Give me a break,” Shawn said, laughing. “You’ve been going on and on about the fall feeling ever since there was a breezy day in late August.”

“And you talked about it all day after the fall festival.”

“But this is the first real one,” I said. “Look at the lights on the brewery deck. The air is actually kind of cold out here, not just chilly.”

It was that fleeting, indescribable magic of autumn, in full swing. The sense that I belonged somewhere. I felt at home working for Fixer Brothers Construction, and I felt more comfortable than ever with Nathan and Shawn. I always felt good at Jade Brewery, even when I wasn’t drinking alcohol.

And, fake or not, Jax and I were doing something together. He was helping me, and in my own way I was trying to help him. I hadn’t thought about any of my exes all day. I hadn’t stopped to lament my loneliness. I’d just been absorbed in my work or thinking about Jax, my memories of last night and this morning burning inside me like my own little warming lantern.

Fuck, I was in too deep. But I also knew I didn’t want to stop.

Nathan swung open the front door of the brewery, and we headed in.

“There he is,” Harlan said from behind the bar as we walked over. He was wearing a grey plaid flannel that brought out his eyes, and it looked like he’d just gotten his beard and hair trimmed.

“Harlan,” I said as I sat down. “You always rock the lumberjack look, but you look especially good tonight. What are you doing bartending?”

“Just helping out for a few minutes while I wait for Sawyer to get here.”

“Your cute bestie from the farm?”

“My very good friend,” Harlan said, rolling his eyes at my terminology. “He’s bringing me a batch of rosemary.”

“Sawyer has been coming around more lately,” Nathan said. “I like him.”

“He has more free time lately,” Harlan said. “The farm didn’t produce as much this year. Been shitty for him, but it does let him catch up on life. I’ve been really happy he’s able to come around more.”

“Because you love the guy,” I said, waggling my eyebrows.

Harlan glared at me, and I expected to get some sort of gruff, dismissive response. But instead his gaze softened a little as he looked down at the top of the bar.

“Of course I love Sawyer,” he muttered. “Never had a better friend in my life.”

My heart felt like it just grew two sizes in my chest. It was so damn sweet when Harlan surprised us, showing the heart of gold beneath his burly, masculine surface.

“I’m glad he’s been around more, too,” I said. “He makes you a whole lot nicer.”

Harlan snorted. “You’re one to talk, Mr. Grown-up Goth. I saw you sucking face with our best bartender online. Hope you’re treating Jax well.”

“Since when do you look at social media?” Shawn asked him.

Harlan shrugged one shoulder. “Sawyer sent it over to me this morning. Quite the talk of the internet, aren’t you, boys?”

I couldn’t keep a smile off my face. I was a lot of things, but I definitely wasn’t shy. A part of me really liked that everyone had seen me getting up close and personal with Jax, and I had no plans to hide it.

“Jax and I are doing our job well,” I said.

Nathan chuckled, giving me a little squeeze on the shoulder. “Proud of you, Charlie.”

“Going above and beyond the duties of your job,” Harlan said, cutting me a glance. “I saw you two leaving here together last night.”

“Oh? Is that right?” Shawn said. He and Nathan both turned to me, curiosity all over their faces.

“A gentleman never kisses and tells,” I said. “I repeat: Jax and I are just good at our job, and that’s all you need to know.”

This elicited whoops and hollers from all of the guys, and a big pat on the back from Shawn. It was more than a little embarrassing, but I couldn’t give a fuck about that, at this point.

“What’s all this ruckus about?” a voice said from beside us and a moment later Sawyer appeared, setting a big basket full of fresh rosemary clippings down on the bar.

“Jesus Christ, S,” Harlan said, looking his friend up and down. “Look at you, wearing overalls and carrying a bushel of herbs. Could you look any more like a farmer?”

He flashed Harlan a smile, showing off his pearly white teeth. “I know you’re just jealous. You miss Red Pinecone every day, don’t you?”

“I miss the farm sometimes,” Harlan said, “but I like my brewery tanks just fine, thanks.”

“And you,” Sawyer said, turning to me with eyebrows raised. “You amazing, filthy little slut. I saw the posts online, Charlie. I know that kiss wasn’t just for show.”