Why, why, why had I been so weak and jerked off this morning? If I’d had any scrap of patience I could have something so much better, right now.

I bit my lip. “I have to admit something very embarrassing to you.”

“What’s up?”

“I may or may not have just made myself come in the shower about half an hour ago.”

Jax’s jaw dropped in an animated display of shock, his brow furrowing. “You fucking snake.”

“What?” I said. “I’m a snake because I had to get rid of my painful morning wood?”

“Because you promised me I could make you come,” he said. “I wanted that.”

Maybe I was ready to go again, after all. I swear I could have come just hearing Jax say something like that. All needy and possessive, acting like he wanted me that badly.

“Well, if you still want that at a later time, there will be another opportunity,” I said. “It’s not like that was my last boner ever.”

“Next time it’s mine,” he said, walking over to me and running his hand down the front of my chest.

A shudder ran through my body. He reached for my coffee cup, grabbing it and taking a sip, keeping his stupidly pretty eyes on mine the whole time.

“Think you can just share drinks with me now, huh?” I asked.

“Got a problem with that?”

I groaned. “I love it, actually. Anything in my house is yours, if you want it.”

“Then come share the bed with me again before I have to go to my tutoring session in an hour?” His hands skated down to my waist and gave it a squeeze. I still wasn’t used to how bold Jax was being. It was as if he’d gotten one small taste of contact with me and now he was taking it all the time, whenever he wanted. I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about that.

I hummed. “I have to be at the Fixer Brothers office in twenty minutes,” I said. “But we can go grab a quick egg sandwich at River Brews and I’ll drop you back off at your car before I head in?”

“Fine,” he said, stifling a yawn. “God, I feel like myself again after finally getting some sleep.”

“Not going to say I told you so.”

“Yes, you are,” he said. “You’re probably going to remind me of this every single time I cut back on sleep in the future.”

I snorted. “You know me so well.”

Even though it was a half day at work, it felt even longer than any 10-hour day at a job site. The afternoon was all meetings. One client, Susan McDunough, wanted to delay paying her advance for the fourth time in a row. Another wanted to get a whole kitchen renovation for under eight thousand dollars, which was impossible, and another meeting went very well, but the client knew how to be picky in all the right ways about small details of the renovation and the meeting ended up taking a full two hours. The TV crew was also there to film for an hour, getting B-roll shots of office work that they would intersperse throughout footage of our renovations. Kim actually came over before they left to give me a high-five for how well the social media post was doing this morning.

All I’d had to do was kiss a hot guy and pretend to be his boyfriend. But if the producers wanted to congratulate me on that, I’d take it.

It was a fairly typical office day for contracting work, but with multiple meetings back to back, I was toast by the time six o’clock hit.

“Brewery?” Shawn asked as we closed up the office for the night.

“I’m already there,” Nathan said.

I’d been working for Shawn and Nathan for so long that they jokingly referred to me as their adopted little brother, alongside their actual younger brother, Tristan. They were a bit older than me, but I looked up to them in so many ways. Shawn and Nathan had started Fixer Brothers Construction and built it from the ground up, and now the company was filming its own home renovation TV show.

“Your boyfriend working tonight, Charlie?” Shawn said, winking at me as we started walking across the street toward the brewery.

I zipped up my hoodie as the cold evening air hit me. “Not tonight,” I said. “He had a tutoring session this morning, and tonight he’s helping plan a frat charity event. Basically being an all-around saint.”

“You two are so cute together,” Nathan said, giving me a little shove.

“Stuff it.”

“He’s not wrong though,” Shawn said. “That post from this morning was more than a little hot.”

“Then we did our job,” I said as we entered the brewery parking lot.

“And you did it well.”

The evening light was just starting to get dusky and dark, and the glowing lights were on in front of the brewery. It looked so cozy and inviting.