He was going to fucking kill me. It would be in all of the news headlines tomorrow: Local Jade River Man Dies From Attraction to Forbidden Straight Guy.

“Sure,” I said. “Anything to get you to sleep.”

His eyebrows raised. His eyes glinted in a flash as a car’s headlights passed by in the parking lot, then drove away. “Promise?”

“I promise.”


My heart felt like it was going to burst. I slid back over to sit behind the wheel and put on my seatbelt, every nerve ending in my body feeling like it was on fire. I took a quick moment to calm down before throwing the truck into reverse. I turned on the radio, putting on the oldies station at low volume before pulling out onto Spruce Street.

It was only a minute into the drive when I glanced over to the passenger seat to see that Jax’s eyes had closed. He was in a light, peaceful sleep.

I let out a breath that it felt like I’d been holding it all night. That was all it had taken—a minute of calm, and he was out like a lamp. And I was left in the truck with my own confusing tornado of thoughts.

And a cock so hard it fucking ached.

My mind was racing for the whole drive home. I knew what Jax really wanted, at the end of the day, was simply to help me. It got to him, knowing that some fans didn’t believe we were a real couple, and he was hell-bent on proving them wrong. I tried to convince myself that he was just a nice guy, doing nice things, perfectly innocently.

But I was also fucking horny.

Really, really horny, with a mind-meltingly hot frat boy practically begging me to kiss him. What the hell was I supposed to do about that?

I drove home, pulled my truck into my short driveway, and cut the engine. Jax was still sleeping peacefully, and part of me wished I could just let him keep sleeping right there.

I reached over, gently nudging him. It took a couple tries before he inhaled, his eyes blinking open.

“Mmm,” he hummed, a little smile coming over his face before he closed his eyes again.

“Inside. Let’s go,” I told him. “You’re going to wake up with a fucked-up neck if you sleep in my truck.”

He grumbled but in another moment he reached to take off his seat belt and we got out of the truck. The sound of crickets filled the air as we walked up the path to my front door.

“This is your house?” Jax asked. “It’s so cute.”

“Got lucky with this one,” I said, reaching for my keys to open the front door. “Found this place on the market for pretty cheap, a couple of years after I started working for Fixer Brothers. The front yard was like a jungle when I first moved in, but I cleaned her up. Most of the people on this street are young families, but they like me just fine.”

“Because you clearly take great care of this place.”

I smiled as I swung open the front door. “And because I help everyone on the block with all of their handyman needs.”

“I bet you do,” Jax said, with a glint in his eye.

“You can’t tease me right now,” I said. “I’ll go nuts.”

“You’d feel weirder if I didn’t tease you,” Jax said as we stepped inside.

I clicked my tongue. “Can’t argue with that one.”

I turned on a small lamp in the living room and Jax’s eyes immediately widened, looking at the corner of the room.

“Whoa, you really are a rock and roll badass, aren’t you?” He took a step over toward my guitars.

“Those guitars have mostly been sitting there collecting dust for the last few years, so no, I’m sorry to admit.”

“You used to play, though?”

I nodded once. “I was in a bunch of shitty local bands when I was in my early twenties. We were never very good, but we had fun.”

“I want to hear you play.”

“Well, I want to see you get some sleep,” I told him. “Quit trying to distract me. Come on, I’ll show you the bedroom.”

I took him to my room and grabbed a clean shirt and a pair of shorts for him to wear. I rummaged around in the bathroom for a spare toothbrush and showed him where everything was. After I’d brushed my teeth and went to grab him a glass of water, I came back into the bedroom to see him sitting on the edge of my bed, in the glow of my bedside lamp.

“You look a lot better in my clothes than I do,” I offered, setting down the water on the table next to him.

“Are you going to keep your promise?” he asked me gently, looking up at me from under his lashes.

My heart kicked in my chest.