“Enzo Amato, I never wanted to love you and the moment you walked into that bar, I’m pretty sure I hated you. I don’t hate you anymore. I’m in love with you, and we’re going to get the chance to have a family, and I don’t know, make this work?”

“It’s already working,” he said, pulling her in close and taking possession of her mouth.

Adele didn’t realize exactly when she had fallen in love with him, just that she had fallen, and there was no stopping it. The love she felt for him was absolute, and as he kissed her, she knew deep in her heart that no matter what, it would all be okay.

Chapter Eleven

A Few Months Later

“You don’t have to do this,” Enzo said.

Adele looked up at the house where her father lived. She knew she didn’t have to do this, which is why it had taken her a couple of months to get to this point. “I know, but I have to.”

Her mother had gone to Hank for a reason. She’d made that letter with the hope of her father delivering it. She knew she didn’t have to do any of it.

“It will be fine.”

“Do you want me to come in?”

She did but she also knew she had to do this alone. Leaning across the car, she pressed her lips against his. “I’ll be right back.”

She got out of the car and took several steps toward the house. She knew Enzo would have called Hank to warn him they were coming. She hoped in that warning, Isabella had been told to leave, or at least to not be seen. She wanted to see her father in the hope of mending bridges, but the last person she wanted to see was his wife.

Adele stood at his door and then lifted her hand to knock, only for the door to be opened, and there was Hank Bianchi, her father.

At first she didn’t know what to say or do.

“Adele,” he said.

“Can I, er, can I come in?” she asked, feeling her cheeks heat.

He stepped away from the door and glanced over her shoulder.

“I asked Enzo to wait in the car. I … I don’t think this is going to take long.”

“Come in,” he said.

Adele had never stepped foot inside his home. She hadn’t realized until a few months ago that her mother actually did. It was a large house, a mansion almost, similar to the one Enzo owned. He’d taken her to his country estate not long after they found out they were pregnant.

“Come with me,” Hank said, leading her across the main reception toward an open sitting room. “Please, have a seat. Coffee? No, not coffee. Er, water?”

“No, I’m fine.” She took a seat and clasped her hands together, realizing that she was nervous. “I know Enzo told you we were coming.”

“Yes, he did, and I wanted to offer you both congratulations.”

There was no hiding her bump and she placed a hand on her stomach, feeling protective of her baby. “Thank you.”

Silence fell between them. In that moment, Adele couldn’t help but remember what it was like with him before she learned the truth, before all the disappointments.

They both started suddenly speaking at the same time.

“Please, you go first,” he said.

“No, no, it’s fine. You go first.”

Hank looked like he wanted to decline but he sat down opposite her. “I am sorry I wasn’t there for you, after your mother.” He stopped and glanced away.

Adele looked at him and realized he wasn’t over it. Carla’s life still left a lasting mark on this man. A man who was married to another woman, who had another family.

“I had no idea she had come here,” Adele said. “She was sick, and I think I must have had to work or something.”

“Yes, you had to work a double shift. She asked Bishop, the guy you worked for, to give you a double shift so she could come to me.” He ran a hand down his face. “I tried to find a cure.”

“You did?”

“Yes. Seeing her like that…” He shook his head. “It was more than I could bear. Your mother was always so strong. So very strong.”

Tears filled her eyes and she quickly took a deep breath.

“I want to hate you,” Adele said. “For the longest time you were always my hero. My father, my everything, and then you stopped. I realized you were never there, and then when Mom told me the truth, I hated you. I didn’t know how you could be with a woman who did that to my mom.”

“I know, if I could go back, I would.”

She held her hand up. “We can’t go back. Mom doesn’t want me to hate you anymore. She doesn’t want me to have no one in my life, and for some reason she wants me to find peace with you and Isabella.” Adele pressed her lips together. “I don’t know how this is going to work. I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to trust you, or any of this.” She ran fingers through her hair. “I just know that Mom wanted me to try.”