“What do you get out of this?” Enzo asked, not taking the envelope, and allowing her to put the letter down on his desk.

“Forgiveness. I have … I’ve been going to church a lot lately. After seeing Adele for the first time a few months ago, I know I need to make peace. It’s all I can do.” She pressed her lips together.

“Adele will never forgive you.”

“I know, but before Carla left, she told me she forgave me for what I did, and as a mother, she hoped one day, I’d be able to love her daughter, because she would need a mother.” Isabella looked up.

Enzo knew that would never happen. Adele wouldn’t allow it.

“I’ve said what I need to say and I know Hank wanted to see Adele, but she won’t even talk to him, not even on the phone. Carla wrote that letter and it has been in our possession for the last few years.”

Enzo placed it inside his jacket.

Isabella left and Enzo had to wonder if he should let Adele read this blasted letter, or leave well enough alone.


Adele couldn’t stop talking about her latest trip to her favorite fabric shop. She had asked Enzo this morning if he could take her. Business called, so she had no choice but to take one of his trusted men.

She had shown him the three pieces of fabrics she had purchased, but she could tell he was distracted. From time to time, she had seen this happen, where he seemed completely lost within his thoughts.

“Are you okay?” she asked, genuinely concerned.

“Isabella Bianchi came to see me today.”

Adele tensed up. She knew he’d told Hank about her pregnancy. She hadn’t wanted him to, and the less he knew, the better, but Enzo had told her it wasn’t polite for him to ignore him. Hank wanted to see her.

Enzo reached into his jacket pocket. “Did you know your mother went to see them before she died?”

She froze. “That’s not possible.”

He pulled out an envelope and slid it across the table. “She left that for you.”

Adele looked at the letter and she saw her mother’s handwriting. She would recognize it anywhere.

“Why did Isabella have my mother’s letter?” she asked.

“Your mother wanted you to have someone, even if it was Isabella.”

“My mother would never have gone to them. She wouldn’t have … no.” She pushed back from the table, without even touching the letter. She couldn’t bring herself to do so.

Enzo picked up the letter and he opened it.

“What are you doing?” she asked, feeling a little sick.

He pulled out the letter and looked at her. “One of us is going to read it.”

Adele shook her head.

“Then I’ll read it.” He cleared his throat.

My dearest Adele,

If you are reading this, then I know the worst has happened and against my own wishes, I’m no longer with you. I have a feeling it’s going to be some time after I’ve passed that you will read this, as I know how stubborn you’ve become, especially when it comes to your father. I’ve told you many times that I don’t want you to have hate in your heart for Hank. Trust me, I know circumstances didn’t work out the way I wanted them to. I loved your father with every fiber of my being. He was my world, and when I realized the truth, I knew my heart would never be the same. I was never going to be the same.

Even as Enzo read, Adele could hear her mother in those words.

I’m sick. I’m not going to get better. We know the doctors are telling the truth, and I’m not willing to wait for a miracle, to know that I’m going to be around to see you flourish. I know you. I’ve told Hank to leave you alone for a year after my death. If you find someone, fall in love, and learn to become part of this life again, then he is to leave you alone and just be there if you ever need him. However, if he watches you and you keep to the same routine of getting up, going to the fabric shop, showing your designs on social media, but working, never socializing, never changing your routine, then he is to interfere. I know right now you’re still angry at him and you see him meddling, but Hank is doing exactly as I’ve asked of him.

Enzo stopped and Adele looked at him, feeling tears fall down her face.

Hank, being Hank, won’t tell you this, but he saved a man’s life. A man called Enzo Amato. He told me about him. He’s a man no one wants to marry, because he is cold, cruel, and no woman interests him, but I have a feeling you’ll be different, Adele, and so does your father. Enzo doesn’t want a woman who follows the rules. He wants a woman who makes him smile, makes him laugh, because she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. I asked Hank for two things—to help you fall in love, and to take care of you. If you’re reading this now, it means he kept his promise, that you are now married to Enzo, and I hop, you are finding it in your heart to love.