Shaking her head, she finished drying her hair. She found a brush and ran it through the damp strands. She heard the shower turn on and as she moved past the door, she was tempted to sneak a peek inside.
No. No. You don’t want to see him naked.
Forget about him.
Wrinkling her nose, she moved to the bed, pulled back the sheet, and climbed inside. She pulled the blanket up to her chin, and then waited, watching the door. As she waited and listened, she heard the shower turn off. Crap. There was no place for her to run.
You don’t need to run.
The moment Enzo stepped back into the bedroom, her mouth went dry. She had seen naked men on television, but nothing had prepared her for seeing Enzo. He was pure muscle. She didn’t even realize how hard. She had caught glimpses of him late at night, but that had been in the dark. There was nothing hiding him now.
Every inch of his chest and arms were covered in ink. There was not enough time to explore all the different designs, but it led down toward his groin, which was hidden behind a towel.
“Come here,” he said.
It was on the tip of her tongue to argue, but this was her wedding night, and at no point did she want to argue. Pushing the blanket out of the way, she avoided eye contact and stepped toward him. There was only a small gap between them, and seeing as her eyes were level with his chest, she had no choice but to look at him. He placed a finger beneath her chin and slowly tilted her head back, and she looked up at him.
“I will fuck you tonight, Adele,” he said. “I will make sure no one can question my claim on you, but I need to know right now, are you a virgin or not?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“Because I need to know if I can bend you over this bed and fuck you hard and fast, or if I need to get you prepared. It’s going to be a painful experience for you. I’m trying to avoid that.”
She frowned. Did she want to know why? They were not lovers or friends. Her father had called in a debt. That was what she was, a debt. Adele didn’t know what hurt most—rather than claim her as his daughter, Hank used a favor to deal with her.
She glared at him. “I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with a man. Happy now?”
“Fucking yes.”
Before she knew what was happening, he’d slammed his lips down on hers. What the hell was this? The kiss was hotter than any she’d ever experienced. Counting the church, this was the fourth time Enzo had kissed her. This was different, though.
She clenched her hands into fists, hoping her body denied him. The last thing she wanted was to give into him.
Why fight?
Why make it hard?
Enjoy it.
This is your life.
But it was a life she didn’t want.
Enzo grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. She had no idea what she was doing. She didn’t even know if she wanted to touch him. Her world felt all over the place, and she didn’t know what to do to gain control of it. She hated feeling so open and exposed. Raw even.
He ran his hands down her body, curving toward her ass, and drew her close. The towel he wore didn’t stop her from feeling the hard ridge of his cock as it pressed against her stomach.
“I’m going to blow your mind,” he said. “All you’ve got to do is trust me. Don’t fight me.”
His words were whispered against her ear and she was about to make a snarky comment when he suddenly kissed that spot on her neck, right against her pulse. She was so sensitive and as his teeth grazed over the spot, she couldn’t help but moan. An instant flush of heat went straight toward her pussy.
Enzo slowly began to kiss her neck, trailing his lips down toward the front, against her collarbone, and then down toward her chest. He let go of her ass to grab the edge of the pointless negligee, and then he pulled it up and over her head, leaving her exposed.
Adele didn’t like the feeling and reached for his towel. She didn’t know why she wanted him naked because she was a little afraid. Sex was a big deal, wasn’t it? She’d not purposefully saved herself for a guy, or for true love. The timing hadn’t been right for her, nor had the guys she’d been around, and for the last few years, she’d been focused on her mother, losing her mother, and then just surviving through it.
The towel dropped to the floor, and for what seemed like a lifetime but was only probably a few seconds, they stood opposite each other and stared. She refused to look down at his dick.