
“But you will get older, and I’ll wait until then. We’ll get to know one another. The physical stuff will come when we’re both ready.”

“What if you’re not attracted to me?” she asks, not quite looking me in the eye.

“You’re beautiful, Helena. I don’t see that being a problem.”

“You don’t?”

“No, baby. I can see the woman in you waiting to be set free. Me being attracted to you won’t be a problem.”

“We already have things in common,” she whispers.

“We do?” I ask, confused because she doesn’t really know me. Shit, most days I’m not positive I know myself.

“Both our fathers are assholes,” she answers. Her beautiful eyes are sad, and lack of spirit in her eyes is disturbing.

“What do you mean?” My heart speeds up. Does Melina know how horrible our father is? Has she told Helena?

“Lina told me about your dad and how harsh he is. My father is, too, although he’s only that way if he has to deal with me. I think that’s why he’s sending me off to school.”

“You’ll enjoy it, and Melina will be there,” I point out, breathing a little easier.

If Melina knew how bad our father was, there’s no way Helena would compare hers to the monster. I, for one, am damn glad Melina will be going to boarding school. I won’t have to worry over her half as much. It’s a full-time job trying to shield her from our father’s wrath.

“Yeah, I’m glad about that. I don’t really want to go, though. It’s one of those prissy, all-girl schools. If they try to teach me how to cook and be a wife, I might scream.”

“But you are going to be a wife,” I point out, unable to keep all of my laughter at bay.

“Do you expect me to cook?” she asks, scrunching her nose up.

“You don’t like cooking?”

“Not really. Although, I can make really good cupcakes. My dad even likes those.”

“Cupcakes are my favorite,” I mostly lie.

“They are?”


“What flavor?


“I make really good chocolate ones,” she brags.

“Good to know.”

“You said we needed two rules. What’s the second one?”

“I know you’re old enough now to have boys dying for a taste of you. After today, you’re mine. That means other boys, other men are off limits. You keep yourself for me, Helena. I don’t share.”

Her cheeks heat, but she doesn’t look away from me. She holds my gaze and I find that impressive—especially considering her age.

“That should be easy since I’m going to an all-girl’s school,” she points out.

“That means you’re going to be a good girl.”

She blinks, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “I’m not sure we should be talking about this.”

“We have to. The marriage contract is complete. We may not know each other, but what’s done is done. There’s no going back. Marriages have been arranged since the beginning to time. This won’t be what people normally do today when they get married, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be good,” I explain.

Helena nods—clearly uncomfortable.

I can’t say I’m entirely at ease either. Helena may have every promise of being a woman soon, but she’s not one now. I’m uncomfortable with our age difference as it is. Having this conversation is making me feel like a lecherous old man. I sigh and rub the back of my neck.

“I need to hear the words from you, Helena, so I know you understand.

“I won’t cheat on you. I’ll be a good girl,” she sulks. “Although, I’ve always heard good girls are boring.”

“Not when that girl is destined to be mine one day,” I counter.

“Fine, I’ll be good, but only because I really like you, Marco. I always have. That’s the reason when my father told me he was going to arrange a marriage for me, I asked for him to make it with you.”

“You did what?”

She shrugs. “I don’t want to get married, but if it had to happen, I want it to be with someone I like, someone I even choose.”

“Why in the hell would you pick me? Why not one of my brothers? Elias is closer to your age.”

“He’s not you,” she says staring straight at me, refusing to back down.

Christ, I may be in trouble with this girl.

I shake my head and kiss her forehead. “I want you to be happy, Ena,” I whisper against her soft skin.

“If I’m supposed to be yours, shouldn’t you give me a better kiss than that? I’ve never been kissed before. A fiancé should kiss his woman properly,” she instructs, making me laugh.

“When you’re older and we can both appreciate the kiss, I’ll do that, Ena.”

“No one has ever called me Ena before. I like that you are,” she says quietly.

I stand up and begin walking toward the door. Needing fresh air. There’s a part of me that feels as if I’ve signed my life away today. My father has made that life hell, but at least it was mine to control—at least until today. “We’ll talk soon,” I assure her, but I know I’m lying. I’m going to stay away from her until she gets older. I need time to figure this out and she needs time to mature.