“Matteo,” my father calls out. “Thank God.” He’s panting, covered in blood spatter.
“Where’s everyone?” I ask, looking around for my family and Vivian’s.
“All the women and children are in the safety bunker. We’ve eliminated the threat. Where’s Vivian?”
“I have to get her. She’s hiding in her secret spot.”
Unwilling to wait for my father to keep up, I rush back to where my woman is supposed to be hiding. Just as I pull up to her, she shouts, “No.”
I freeze, only to find one of the front gate guards with a gun pointed dead center at me. I’m too fucking late; he’s mere feet away, and I’m going to die. I take a fleeting glance at the woman I love to say goodbye, but my little viper isn’t one to give up. She pulls out a blade and shanks him in the neck just as he fires. The bullet grazes me, and I go down. God, I’m in love.
Chapter Seven
The sounds around the house set my teeth on edge. I slip inside the passageway and scoop out the blade I have stashed there for safety purposes and hide it in my dress. Fuck, what a terrible time to be wearing a dress and heels. As soon as my feet hit the grass, I hear footsteps behind me.
Spinning around, I see Philo. “Well, well, well. You stupid bitch. Did you think your little getaway would work? You’re the one we’re after. The boss’s bitch.”
Did he just call me a bitch twice? “You’re a fool. Matteo’s going to kill you.”
“I’m not worried about him. He’s a pussy. What kind of mafia boss turns down premium pussy to chase after a tomboy?”
“What are you talking about?”
“It doesn’t matter. You’re a dead bitch, but not until we get what we want from him and I get a safe distance away.”
“Why are you doing this? Didn’t we take care of you and your family?”
“I don’t have a family anymore. My wife left me when I couldn’t get her sister a date with Matteo’s weak ass. I hate him, and you. Fuck, I should just put a bullet in his head, and then my wife will see that I’m more of a man since I took out the head of the Conti Family.”
“You’re fucking delusional.”
“Am I?” I watch his head turn, and I see the love of my life heading this way fast as hell.
Screaming, I run at this bastard, pulling out my hidden blade. We both fall, but he gets his shot off. As he gurgles in his own blood, I dash off to Matteo and the people running to him, including our dads.
“Viper, come here,” he growls. With his left arm, he pulls me on top of him and kisses me hard.
I break off our kiss to yell at him. “You better not die on me.” Tears fall from my eyes as I look over my man, who is bleeding a lot.
He chuckles. “I’m not, baby. We have a wedding tomorrow. I need my deadly queen by my side.”
“Son, we’re going to have to hold off on that. You’re not going anywhere for a bit.”
“The hell we aren’t. I want Viper as mine. Now.” He tenses up, glaring at his father.
“We can get married without a big wedding.” I press my hand to his chest, wanting my man to relax.
“Let’s get him inside,” his father says. Matteo attempts to stand on his own, but his father and mine help him to his feet.
“Don’t get too far from me.”
“Always so bossy.” I wink at him.
“I have her,” my dad says, hugging me. “Come on, my little killer.” He kisses the top of my head.
“How is everyone else?” I ask my father.
“Everyone is safe for now. The threat isn’t over, and not by far. We stopped the main threat of a bomb just outside the house. They planned to get into the secured area with the women, and that’s what you heard go off.”
“Oh God.”
“Yes, but we’re glad you two got out.” My father eyes me suspiciously. He knows about my secret spot.
“I’m not running anymore.”
“Good, because you’d be making a silly mistake. Matteo would chase you down and bring you right back.”
“Sounds like fun,” I say, rubbing my hands together.
“Don’t start, Viper,” Matteo growls from in front of us. We make it inside our house and to the living room where the doctor, who is one of our guests, prepares his medical supplies.
“Everyone can wait outside.”
“I’m going to check on your mother and the rest of the women,” my father says.
“Please tell my wife that Matteo is doing well. I’ll be there soon.”
“Father, you can go with Mother if you want.”
“No, I’m here by your side until I’m sure you’re good.” No one could deny that Dario Conti wasn’t a great father who loved his kids.
“Do you want me to leave?” I ask. I don’t really want to leave, but I ask just in case he’s in too much pain and doesn’t want me to see.