“Let me go! Gabriel! Christopher!” I shouted for my stepbrothers at the top of my lungs as he pulled me towards him.

“Shut up, girly—this will only take a minute. We don’t have to wait for your Heat Cycle for me to breed you! Might even put my baby in your belly.”

He was fumbling in his trousers with one hand while he held me with the other. I saw something that looked like a dirty, hairy sausage come out from between his legs. For some reason this scared me even more—was he going to try to poke that thing inside me somehow? But where would it fit? I didn’t want anything of his inside my body!

I screamed again and finally Christopher came running. When he saw what was happening, his green eyes began to glow with fury.

“Get off her, you son of a bitch!” He punched Manuel in the mouth, startling the big Alpha into letting me go. I skittered out of reach and watched the altercation warily.

“Oh, you want to go, pup?” Manuel growled at Christopher. “How dare you hit me and disrespect Pack Order? I’m an Alpha and you’re nothing but a little Beta bitch!”

“This ‘Beta bitch’ just made you bleed, asshole.” Christopher was standing in front of me, shielding me with his big, muscular body. “Stand back and leave Zoe alone unless you want more of my fist in your face!”

Manuel took a step forward, an ugly look in his eyes as he stuffed the hairy sausage back into his trousers.

“You know what I think? I think you and your brother are taking turns fucking the little bitch! You’re breaking the Unbreakable Laws—the Pack Master won’t be happy to hear that!”

“Neither Gabriel or I have touched Zoe,” Christopher snapped. “She’s our little sister, you horny fucker! And she’s innocent!”

“And she’s going to stay that way.” It was Gabriel, coming around the corner with fire in his pale gray eyes. “You—you’re out of the Compound and out of the Pack. Now!” he snapped, pointing at Manuel.

“What? But you can’t do that! You can’t kick an Alpha appointed by the Pack Master out of the Pack!” Manuel protested.

“I’m the acting Pack Master while my father is gone and yes, I am kicking you out, you fucking cabron!” Gabriel growled. “This is the second time you’ve tried to get to Zoe—a female who is under my protection. Therefore, you’re out. I don’t want to hear anything else about it—go get your things from the bunker and get the hell off the property!”

The big, balding man glowered at the three of us for a second, his bushy eyebrows drawing low over his piggy little eyes.

“The three of you are fucking,” he said at last. “It’s incest! Your scent is all over her—both of you.” He pointed at Gabriel and Christopher. “You’ve formed a Triad—don’t try to deny it!”

Gabriel glared back.

“Are you really accusing your Pack Master of breaking the Unbreakable Laws? Think carefully before you answer that.”

Manuel spit on the fine black marble of the mansion’s floor.

“You’re not my Pack Master—your father is. And he’s going to hear about this when he gets back.”

“Not from you, he isn’t. Because if you don’t get off the property right fucking now, you’re not going to see the next full moon.”

As he spoke, Gabriel pulled out a gun—a big, black revolver that glinted in the light from the elegant crystal chandelier overhead.

Manuel’s eyes went wide—so wide I could see the whites all around his dull brown irises.

“You wouldn’t! You can’t shoot a member of your own Pack!”

“You’re not a member of my Pack anymore—I just kicked you out.” Gabriel gestured with the gun. “Now get the fuck out and don’t come back.”

Manuel left in a hurry, his heavy booted feet slapping against the marble floor and I felt myself breathing a sigh of relief.

But my relief didn’t last for long.

“Holy shit.” Christopher’s eyes were wide as he stared at Gabriel. “Can’t believe you did that! You really think you have the authority to excommunicate a Pack member?”

“This says I do.” Gabriel nodded at the gun as he re-holstered it. “I’ve been carrying it ever since Zoe had her First Blood.”

“But what will you tell Dad?” Christopher asked.

“The truth.” Gabriel frowned. “He probably won’t be happy with me, but what the fuck else could I do? I couldn’t let him rape Zoe. Fucking cabron!” he added in a growl.

“Are you okay, Little Sis?” Christopher asked, turning to me. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“He tried. He would have if you hadn’t come along. Thank you,” I said to Christopher. “And you too—thank you, Gabriel,” I added, looking up at my older stepbrother.

Gabriel did not seem happy to get my thanks. He raked me with his pale eyes, his gaze lingering on my too-large breasts.

“When the fuck did you get so big in the chest, little mouse? No wonder that pendejo, Manuel was after you!”