“Yes, it is!” I wiggled some, trying to get used to having something so thick stretching me out. It felt good even though he was so big. But still, something seemed to be missing.

“Does it feel good to have Gabe all the way inside you?” Christopher murmured in my ear. “Do you like to have his thick cock deep in your tight little pussy, Little Sis?”

“Yes, I do!” I admitted. “But…but I want more.”

Gabriel frowned.

“What do you mean, little mouse?”

“I don’t think you’re going to find a thicker cock than Gabe’s to fill your soft little cunt,” Christopher added. “He puts most porn stars to shame.”

“No, not in my pussy—in my—you know, in my ass,” I said. Turning my head, I looked at my other stepbrother. “Didn’t you say that if Gabriel was in my pussy and you were in my ass, that’s the way we form a Triad?”

“Well, yes but your ass is virgin, Little Sis,” Christopher objected. “And your pussy is already so full.”

“I don’t care,” I said stubbornly. “I want both of you in me—I want to form the Triad so we’ll be Bonded together for life.”

“Well…” Christopher shifted behind me and I felt his long fingers exploring down below, slowly tracing my rosebud.

“Is she wet?” Gabriel demanded, clearly guessing what his brother was doing. “Is she making enough slick to take us both?”

“Very wet,” Christopher admitted. I moaned softly as he slid one long finger deep inside me and then slid it out again and replaced it with two. It was true, my bottom seemed to be making slick the same way my pussy was—it was like my body knew exactly what I needed and it was getting me ready to take it.

“Then it’s her choice,” Gabriel decided. He reached up to cup my cheek. “Just so you know, little mouse—doing this—forming a Triad with Christopher and me—ups your chances of getting pregnant to almost one hundred percent. If I breed your little pussy while Christopher breeds your ass, your body is definitely going to react by releasing an egg—possibly several eggs. We might even end up with twins.”

“Would that mean I’d have one baby by each of you?” I asked. I was enchanted by the thought—in my mind’s eye I could see them, one with dark hair and one with golden brown.

“Probably,” Christopher murmured. He was already fitting the head of his cock to my rosebud and I bent further over Gabriel to give him more room.

This had the effect of putting my full breasts directly in my older stepbrother’s face and Gabriel was quick to take advantage. Cupping one full globe, he brought my nipple to his mouth and began to suck the sweet, sticky nectar out of me once more.

I moaned and gasped as I felt Christopher filling me from behind as Gabriel sucked and tugged at my aching tips. I had so many sensations going on inside me I could barely keep track of them all! I could hardly believe I was straddling one stepbrother with his thick cock stuffing my pussy while my other stepbrother filled my ass and yet I wouldn’t want it any other way.

At last I felt my rosebud stretch even wider and knew that Christopher’s knot had slipped inside me. I was filled to the brim—utterly full. Which was good, since I didn’t think I could have taken much more.

“That’s it—I’m all the way in.” Christopher’s voice in my ear was hoarse.

“The knot too?” Gabriel demanded.

“The knot too.” Christopher nodded.

“God, little mouse…” Gabriel reached up to cup my cheek. “So brave! Not many Were females can open enough to be double-knotted, you know. I’m so proud of you.”

“We’re so proud of you,” Christopher murmured in my ear. “Opening your pussy and ass for both your big brothers—I know it’s not easy, Little Sis.”

“It’s not easy, but it feels good. Feels right,” I told them. “Have…did we form the Triad now?”

“Not until we both come in you,” Gabriel told me. He looked over my shoulder at Christopher. “Are you ready, brother? We need to go slow and gentle—we don’t want to hurt our sweet little sister.”

“As slow and gentle as she needs us to,” Christopher agreed.

“We’re not really going to pull out of you much, Zoe—we can’t since our knots are tying us in place,” Gabriel told me. “We’re just going to thrust up into you. And your job is to just be open and let us get our cocks as deep inside you as we can.”

“The deeper we come in you, the stronger the Bond we form,” Christopher agreed. “So just relax and let us fuck you, Little Sis.”

“I…I’ll do my best,” I whispered. Bracing my hands on Gabriel’s muscular chest, I spread my thighs even wider and concentrated on being open. “Go on—I’m ready.”

My stepbrother’s exchanged one of those wordless looks, communicating without talking, and then they both began to move in unison.