“So beautiful,” Christopher murmured, his eyes resting on my bare breasts and ripe nipples. “And look at the color—you’re definitely going into your Cycle.”

I looked down and saw that, sure enough, my nipples and areolas had turned from pale pink to deep red. And sitting on the tip of one nipple was a drop of amber liquid.

“Nectar!” Christopher exclaimed. “Quick, give it to Gabe—let him suck your breasts!”

But Gabriel was almost unresponsive again. Desperately, I captured the drop of amber on my fingertip and put it in his lips.

At first there was no response. But then I saw the tip of his tongue come out to lap away the droplet. His silver eyes opened to slits and he rasped,


“I’ll give you more—here!” I was already holding his head in my lap so it wasn’t too difficult to bend over and press one of my ripe nipples to his mouth.

Gabriel’s tongue came out again, caressing my sensitive peak and making me shiver. He must have liked what he tasted, because a moment later he was sucking—weakly at first but then, as my nectar began to pour down his throat—more strongly.

I gave him everything I had, trying to ignore how each deep pull on my tender nipple sent a corresponding bolt of desire straight to my pussy, which was beginning to feel extremely wet and hot and swollen.

My stepbrother finished with the first breast and I offered him the other without hesitation. I could see the color returning to his cheeks and the life came back to his big, muscular body as well. He shifted restlessly on the bed, reaching up to knead and caress my breasts as he sucked from me.

His touch made me hotter than ever, but I tried to ignore the signals my body was sending. We didn’t have time for that right now, I told myself. My desire would have to wait—right now all I wanted to do was make sure my older stepbrother was all right.

“That’s right, Gabriel—that’s right, big brother,” I urged him softly. “Suck my nipples. Take what you need—take it all.”

At last Gabriel released me, letting my tight nipple slip from his lips, and sat up in bed.

“Fucking delicious,” he muttered and looked at me wonderingly. “I feel incredible. Zoe—you healed me!”

“It’s only fair since you and Christopher saved me,” I said, smiling through my tears. “Oh, Gabriel—I was so worried about you!”

I threw my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. Then Christopher put his arms around both of us and it was a three-way hug and the happiest reunion I’d ever had in my life.

I had no idea though, that the three of us were about to come together in an even more intimate embrace.


“Look at you, Little Sis,” Christopher remarked when we finally pulled back. “You’re still dripping.”

I looked down at myself and was aggravated to see that he was right—both my nipples had amber beads collecting on their tips and my breasts, while not quite as swollen as before, were still obviously making nectar.

“How long before it stops?” I asked, looking down at myself in exasperation.

“Not until your Heat Cycle’s over,” Christopher told me.

“Heat Cycle?” Gabriel inhaled deeply and suddenly his eyes were heavy-lidded. “Dios, you smell good! I guess you’re all ripe and ready to be bred, little sister,” he murmured.

“Crenshella—that’s the old woman who was watching me at Moncrieff’s house—gave me some kind of tea to bring it on,” I explained. “It was supposed to help me get through my Wedding night.” I shivered. “Thank goodness you two came for me before that happened! Just the thought of Moncrieff touching me…doing that to me…”

“He’s never going to touch you again, little mouse,” Gabriel growled.

“You certainly saw to that,” Christopher said dryly. “He’s never going to touch anyone again.”

“He had five other wives before me—did you know that?” I asked them. “And the youngest one was only fourteen!”

Gabriel’s face darkened.

“Fucking pervert,” he growled. “I’m glad I killed him.”

“What happened to the other wives then?” Christopher asked, frowning.

“All but one of them died in childbirth because the babies were too big and he wouldn’t let them have a C-section,” I explained. “The other one ‘fell down the stairs’—which is probably what would have happened to me on my wedding night once he found out I wasn’t a virgin anymore.”

“Well, we’re responsible for that,” Gabriel remarked. He shook his head. “We’re not going to be welcome in any Pack anywhere after so many people saw that fucking video Don Diego made us do together.”

“I thought it was kind of hot,” Christopher remarked, a little smile playing around the corner of his mouth. “The three of us on the screen like that—Zoe right between us, taking us both…”

I felt a shiver of desire go through me at his words and I remembered the explicit images of the three of us making love together. The shiver seemed to go from my bare breasts right down between my legs. Suddenly my pussy was aching and throbbing in a way that was almost frighteningly intense.