For a moment there was shocked silence in the room. Then shouts of anger and disbelief erupted from everywhere.

“The Unbreakable Laws! They’re breaking the Unbreakable Laws!” I heard several of the Alphas shouting.

“You little slut!” Moncrieff snarled at me and slapped me hard across the face.

I gasped and backed away from him, my hand going to my stinging cheek.

“You don’t understand—Don Diego made us do it!” I cried. “He said he would kill us if we didn’t!”

“And now I’ll kill you because you did!” He turned to the head table and pointed a finger at my stepfather, who was sitting there with a horrified expression on his face. “You made a fool of me, Cruz!” he bellowed. “Getting me to Join with your little slut of a daughter—saying she was a virgin when she’s been with both her brothers! Why, she’s nothing but a whore!”

My stepfather threw up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture.

“I swear to you—I didn’t know anything about this! She was a virgin when she left my house!”

“Well, she’s clearly not a virgin anymore!” Moncrieff threw out a hand to the screen, where my stepbrothers had switched places and Christopher was taking me from behind while I sucked Gabriel’s thick cock. “Look at her take it from both of them! Look at them breaking the Unbreakable Laws together! Disgusting!”

“I didn’t know!” my stepfather protested again.

But Moncrieff clearly didn’t accept his excuse. He looked at the guest tables and pointed at my two stepbrothers.

“Alphas—get them!” he snarled.

Immediately, four of the biggest men in the room charged up to the head table, clearly intent on grabbing Christopher and Gabriel by the arms. But Gabriel wasn’t having it.


He stood up from the table and shouted with such authority that the Alphas actually backed off, staring at him with wide eyes.

“I have something to say,” he continued, looking around the room. “First—Don Diego made us do these things together. He captured us and threatened to execute us if we didn’t.” He pointed at the screen where the three of us were still going at it. “Second—I am not sorry that he did. That’s right!” he went on as murmurs of shocked anger began rising from the people around him. “I’m not sorry because Christopher and I love Zoe—we claim her now as our mate and our Omega. Together the three of us will form a Triad!”

“You idiota! How can you do this to me?” my stepfather roared at him, his face turning red with anger. “You can’t form a Triad with your own siblings!”

“Watch us!” Gabriel growled.

“You take everything back this instant and apologize to Pack Leader Moncrieff or I swear you’ll never lead the pack after me!” my stepfather threatened.

“I do not apologize!” Gabriel snarled. “You’re a shitty father and a shitty pack leader—I don’t want anything to do with you or your fucking pack. In fact—I renounce my birthright and my place at your side now and forever!”

There was a collective gasp from the room and then Christopher, who had been quiet up until now, rose from his seat.

“I stand by my brother and my Alpha,” he said clearly, putting a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “We claim Zoe as our own!” He looked at Moncrieff. “You don’t want her because she’s not a virgin? Fine—give her to us and we’ll all go into exile together and never bother you again.”

“I agree with Christopher and Gabriel,” I said, finding my voice at last. I stabbed a finger at my new husband. “I don’t want to be married to you—you’re a nasty old man and you’re old enough to be my grandfather!” I said to Moncrieff, whose face grew dark as he glared at me. “And you never had the right to give me away in the first place,” I said, turning to look at my stepfather. “You came to my house and killed my father and put my mother under your spell. I hate you and I’ll never forgive you for what you did to my family!”

“Why, you ungrateful little bitch!” Esteban growled. “I gave you pack status! I found a good mate for you!”

“You mean that disgusting old pedophile who marries girls as young as fourteen and then lets them die in childbirth?” I demanded, nodding at Moncrieff. “No thank you! I’ll find my own mates—I choose Gabriel and Christopher. I don’t care what your stupid Pack Laws say—there isn’t any blood tie between any of us and they’re the only ones I want!”

I started for the head table, but Moncrieff gripped me by the arm and pulled me back to his side.

“You think you can get away that easily, you little bitch?” he snarled. “You think you can lie to my face and pretend to be a pure, unused virgin and then just waltz out of here to fuck your brothers some more without any consequences?”