But Crenshella was shaking her head, a grave look on her face.

“I’m afraid not. You see, the deal has already been made and your father has already taken possession of the piece of land Master Moncrieff traded for you. So you’re the Master’s property now. If he finds you’re used goods, well…” She shook her head. “I just don’t like to think about what he might do.”

I thought of the wife who had fallen down the stairs. Had she actually been pushed? Would I be killed if the alpha wolf smelled another man on me? Or if he smelled two men? What if he figured out the two men were my stepbrothers and we had broken the Unbreakable Laws?

I felt like someone had dumped about five pounds of ice into my stomach and it was refusing to melt.

“This is such a beautiful room,” I said, trying to play for time. “Does it have a bathroom attached to it?”

“Why yes, it does! You’re a lucky girl—these old mansions didn’t used to have any bathrooms at all, you know. They were built back in the days of outhouses,” Crenshella informed me. “But when the Master had this one renovated, he added indoor plumbing.”

As she spoke, she pointed me to the door at the far end of my new room. It was painted white and someone had put pink rose stickers around the frame. The decoration looked childish and I remembered again that my husband-to-be’s youngest bride had been only fourteen. A shiver of disgust ran through me as I opened the door, revealing a tub, a sink, a toilet, and a white and pink tiled floor.

I stepped in and started to close the door behind me but Crenshella followed me in.

“Uh, thank you for showing me the bathroom, but I really have to go. Can I have some privacy please?” I asked politely.

She shook her head.

“I’m afraid not, dearie. The Master gave me strict orders not to leave you alone for one minute—especially not in the bathroom. You can have your privacy again after Garen has his sniff of you.”

I balled my hands into fists at my sides as a mixture of terror and anger swept through me. Clearly Moncrieff was afraid I would try to wash myself to get rid of any lingering scent another male might have left on me. Which of course, was exactly what I’d been going to do. I thought I had been pretty thorough with the shower I’d taken at the house where we had been held captive, but I really wanted to wash again to be sure.

Well, it didn’t look like I would get the chance. Instead, I took a pee break, since I had claimed that I had to go, and then Crenshella escorted me out of the bathroom again.

“Now then, let’s just find something your size, shall we?” she cooed, opening another white door which turned out to be a closet.

Inside were rows and rows of white dresses. No other color was evident except for a little touch of pale pink or baby blue trim here and there. It seemed that Moncrieff had a type—young and innocent—and he wanted all his wives dressed in a way that reflected that.

Crenshella found a dress she thought might fit me and made me put it on with nothing underneath it. It was a kind of sundress with tiny pink flowers embroidered over the stretchy top.

“My, my—you certainly are well developed,” she remarked, eyeing the way the top of the dress could barely contain my breasts. “Much more so than the Master’s other brides.”

Not surprising since I was beginning to get the idea that Moncrieff was a freaking pedophile—but of course I didn’t dare to say that. I had the idea that Crenshella wasn’t so much a personal maid as a spy—I was sure anything I said to her would wind up in my husband-to-be’s ear and I didn’t want tempt fate. Or tempt him to hit me again, for that matter.

So I said nothing and just adjusted the dress as well as I could, hoping this would all be over soon.

My wish was granted almost immediately. There was a perfunctory knocking at the door and then it swung open before Crenshella even finished saying,

“Come in.”

Moncrieff came in first, followed by the big gray wolf and Colonel Brazier.

“All right, girl—on the bed and spread your legs,” he demanded, glaring at me. “Garen here is going to take a good long sniff of that pussy and make sure you haven’t a cock in you.”

I felt sick but what else could I do but comply? I climbed onto the pink and white princess bed and slowly raised the hem of my white dress up to my thighs.

“Higher!” Moncrieff demanded. “And spread your legs.”

“Oh, but—” I began.

“I said spread!” Moncrieff roared at me.