I tried to push the guilty thought out of my mind as I made my way to the bathroom door. It was over now—over and done and I couldn’t take it back, I told myself. All I could do was keep it secret and hope to God nobody found out what we’d done together—at least, not until we were long gone and in another country entirely.

“All right,” I said as I opened the door. “I’m ready to go.”

Which was a lie in every way.


The rest of the night passed in a blur. Colonel Brazier gave me his jacket to wear, which I accepted gratefully. It smelled strongly of cigarettes—as though he smoked three packs a day. While I didn’t normally like the smell of tobacco, I hoped that it would be yet another scent to throw off the sensitive noses of the wolves around me.

And there were a lot of wolves. When I walked out of the house, it looked like someone had set up a wildlife preserve right there in the desert. There were furry backs and wagging tales and sniffing noses as far as the eye could see.

One of the wolves—a big gray one—came right up and tried to shove his cold nose between my thighs.

“Hey!” I gasped and swatted him away.

“Sorry—that’s Garen—Pack Master Moncrieff’s head Alpha,” Colonel Brazier said apologetically. “He’s supposed to be sure you’re, er…that you haven’t been tampered with.”

The big wolf came forward and tried to sniff me again—clearly he was intent on making sure there was no scent of a man on me. I guessed this was my husband-to-be’s none too subtle way of making sure I hadn’t been raped, but I couldn’t allow it. I was pretty sure I’d gotten everything out of me, but my stepbrothers had spent literally hours filling me with their cum—what if I had missed some?

“Get him away from me!” I gasped as the cold nose found its way under the jacket I was wearing and poked at my thigh. “That’s disgusting!”

“No, it’s necessary,” Colonel Brazier insisted. “Pack Master Moncrieff needs to know if you’ve lost your value.”

“So that’s all that makes me valuable—what’s between my legs?” I demanded, raising my voice. I had been desperately searching the sea of furry backs for my stepbrothers but all the wolves kind of looked the same in the moonlight—at least to my eyes. I was hoping if they heard my voice they might come to me.

But nobody came and if my words made Colonel Brazier feel bad or guilty, his face certainly didn’t show it.

“To your future husband, yes,” he said coldly. “He purchased you for your Royal DNA and your ability to give him an heir with that same DNA. He wants to be sure you’re untouched—pure.”

At that point I was so far from pure, it was laughable. I thought of everything I had gotten up to with Christopher and Gabriel that night—the way they’d both had me in almost every possible position…the way they had taken me…shared me…loved me…

But if I let Moncrieff know that, all three of us were all going to die. It wouldn’t matter that Don Diego had forced us to have sex together—all Moncrieff would see was that I was damaged goods, not worth what he had paid for me.

“I’ve been held captive for the past two days and nights!” I exclaimed. “I was told multiple times that I would die. They made us kneel on the floor and put guns to our heads. They told us they had already dug our graves! And now you want me to let some nasty wolf shove his nose in my crotch on top of everything else?”

As I came to the end of my speech—(which was all true, damn it!)—I burst into noisy tears. Since my crying had made Colonel Brazier uneasy earlier, I was hoping this would get him off my back.

Now before you come for me—don’t. I was a woman alone and unarmed in the middle of a freaking pack of werewolves—there was no way I was going to action hero myself out of this mess. Tears were the only weapon I had and I used them.

Luckily, they were a very effective weapon. The Colonel shifted from foot to foot, looking at me uncertainly as I sobbed. Finally, he waved the big gray wolf away.

“Later—you can sniff her later,” he muttered.

The gray wolf growled but at last padded away.

I would have breathed a sigh of relief, but now that I had started crying, I couldn’t seem to stop. Part of it was everything I’d just said to the Colonel and part of it was fear. But the biggest part was loneliness—where were my stepbrothers? They had promised to stay by me—to protect me. But they were nowhere to be seen!

“Please!” I sobbed, looking up at Colonel Brazier. “My brothers—where are they? They didn’t get hurt did they?”