“These are my brothers, Christopher and Gabriel,” I said through my tears. “We’ve all been trapped in this room for the past two days and we need to get out!”

“All right, all right—come on then.”

He nodded at me and I staggered to my feet, swaying like a woman in shock.

“Careful now!” The Colonel grabbed me under one arm, his face betraying no reaction when his fingers slipped for a moment in the blood coating my skin.

I really was beginning to feel like I might go crazy with disgust if I didn’t get the revolting crimson smears off me soon. Also, it was matting my hair to my scalp—it was horrible.

“Please…it’s out here.” I led the way out of the room where we’d been held captive and heard the door clap shut behind us. Had one of the wolves kicked it shut? If so, it was good thinking—even though we’d done our best to destroy the evidence, we didn’t need wolves from the other Pack to go nosing around in the scene of the crime.

I shut myself in the bathroom as soon as I was able and locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror mounted over the sink and nearly gagged.

Have you ever seen that old movie called Carrie? It’s based on a Stephen King novel. Anyway, the main character is a social outcast so the mean girls at her high school set her up to be Prom Queen. And then, once she’s up on the stage getting crowned, they dump a whole bucket of pig’s blood all over her.

That’s what I looked like—like Carrie at the Prom. It was a gory, disgusting sight and it made me sick to my stomach. But at least it had gotten me into the bathroom where I could take a shower.

I could still hear growls and howls outside as I looked in the mirror. And then I heard Colonel Brazier’s voice on the phone.

“Yes Sir—I’ve got her. The cartel was holding her and her brothers captive in a house in the desert. Yes, the same one we thought,” I heard him say. “Yes, she seems to be uninjured, though she was covered in blood. What’s that? No Sir—it wasn’t hers. The brothers Shifted and tore out the guard’s throat.”

After that, I didn’t hear any more. I turned on the shower and got right in, not even waiting for the water to heat up. I was desperate to get all the blood and seed off me—especially to get it out of my hair.

I scrubbed frantically with the bar of soap still left from my pre-orgy shower. There was no shampoo but I used the soap on my hair as well. I used it everywhere—I even soaped up my fingers and reached between my legs to clean inside myself as much as possible.

What I felt down there made me extremely nervous. No longer was I the innocent girl who was so tight you could barely fit two fingers inside me. My marathon sex session with my stepbrothers had stretched me out considerably. I mean, I wasn’t loose or anything, but I wasn’t virgin tight anymore either. And if what my stepfather said about Pack Master Moncrieff having a lot of experience with virgins was true, that could spell trouble.

But I had no time to worry about that. Long before I wanted to get out of the shower, Colonel Brazier was knocking on the door.

“Miss Cruz?” he called. “We need to go—Pack Master Moncrieff is waiting for you!”

I felt sick all over again. Christopher and Gabriel and I had been planning to run away together if Don Diego had kept his word and set us free. Now we had to deal with Moncrieff again. What if he insisted on having me examined when I got to his house? What if he found out I was no longer the unused virgin he had paid for?

“Coming!” I called. “Give me just a few more minutes, please! I can’t get the blood out from under my nails!”

“Just a few more minutes, then,” the Colonel returned. “But hurry—Pack Master Moncrieff doesn’t like to be kept waiting!”

I’m sure he doesn’t—nasty old man! I thought resentfully. Why couldn’t Moncrieff and my stepfather and everyone else trying to control my life just leave me alone so I could be with Christopher and Gabriel?

Speaking of my stepbrothers, what was going to become of them? Would they come with me to Moncrieff’s? Could we run away together from there without being tracked?

I had no answers but Colonel Brazier was already knocking on the door again. Leaving my bloody white lace nighty in a heap in the tub, I wrapped myself in a towel. It was the same towel I’d used what felt like a hundred years earlier, back before I made love with my stepbrothers in almost every possible way and lost my virginity to their thick cocks.