Well, first I had to look halfway decent. I looked down at myself—my panties were long gone and my nighty was still tugged down, showing my bare breasts. I tugged it back up again, grimacing at the dark spray of blood all down the front of it. It was disgusting. It…

Suddenly I had an idea. My eyes flicked to the dead guard and the pool of spreading blood and a plan began to form in my mind. It was a horrible, disgusting plan, but I thought it might work.

Quickly, I ran to the guard and got to my knees beside his body. The blood around him was a glistening deep red that was almost black and the scent in the air was thick and metallic, like the specialty butcher shop my mom and I used to visit back when my life was normal. Well good—maybe the bloody odor would cover other scents, I thought.

Taking a deep breath to control my nausea, I forced myself to lay down beside the guard, pressing my entire front into the blood puddle. I could feel the thick, cooling liquid seeping into the lace of my gown and staining my skin. The horrible slimy sensation made me sick.

Before I could lose my nerve, I flopped over and let the blood paint my back as well. I could feel it getting into my hair and coating my bare thighs and the backs of my calves—it was horrible. But it was the only thing I could think of that might hide the evidence of what had happened between me and my stepbrothers.

“Hello!” shouted the voice in the hallway again and this time it was close—like, right outside the door close. “Hello, I’m looking for Zoe Cruz!” it shouted.

I looked around. I had covered myself in enough blood to mask everyone’s scent—I hoped—but there was still evidence of what we had done in the form of semen stains on the bed. Most of them were on the black bedspread, which we had never bothered to take off.

“Quick!” I hissed at the big black wolf that Gabriel had become. “The bed—we have to cover the stains!”

The wolf—which had pure silver eyes—cocked his head to one side and then nodded his head up and down, as though he understood. He gave a short, sharp bark to Christopher’s wolf and the two of them ran to the bed and hiked their legs.

In short order the black coverlet was drenched and the room was filled with the reek of wolf urine, which I was sure would cover the stains left behind. At any rate, it would certainly keep anyone from wanting to examine the bed too closely!

“Hello!” shouted the voice again and the knob jiggled.

“In here!” I cried weakly, getting to my knees. We had done all we could do to cover our sins—now it was up to me, since the wolves my stepbrothers had become couldn’t talk. Or at least, they could only talk to other wolves.

The door jiggled and then the deadbolt clicked. It swung open, revealing a middle-aged man with a hard face and a salt and pepper crew cut wearing combat fatigues and holding a gun.

“Oh, thank God!” I gasped, holding up my hands to him. “Please…help me!”


“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you bleeding?” The man knelt beside me at once, all business. “I’m Colonel Michael Brazier and I work for your intended mate, Pack Master Moncrieff,” he added, by way of introduction.

“It…it’s not mine!” I said. “The guard…my brothers, they Shifted and ripped out his throat but the blood…his blood is all over me!”

And then I began to sob.

To tell the truth, I didn’t have to fake my tears. I was so overwhelmed by that time—so fatigued by the marathon sex session and so on edge from the terrible fear that we would be found out and killed—that the tears rose like a flood as some internal dam inside me burst.

“Please!” I sobbed, looking up at the man with brimming eyes. “Please—I need to get cleaned up! I have to get this blood off of me!”

“Well…shit.” He looked confused for a moment. Clearly sobbing women weren’t in his usual repertoire.

“There…there’s a bathroom,” I said, my voice breaking on the words. “They let us use it while they kept us captive. It’s just outside of this room. Please, let me use it.”

“I don’t know…” The man looked conflicted. “I’m supposed to bring you directly to Pack Master Moncrieff exactly as you are.”

“You want me to meet my future husband looking like this?” I started crying even harder. “Please—I just need a shower!”

At that point the two huge wolves that my stepbrothers had become came up and began growling menacingly at Colonel Brazier.

“All right—fine!” he said to them, speaking just as though they were human. “I didn’t mean to upset her!”