“Lupio!” I heard him calling. “Lupio—execute them! Do you hear me? Lupio!”

Lupio didn’t answer. Still clutching the camera, he turned and ran for the door.

Christopher’s wolf was already after him, but Lupio was closer to the door and surprisingly fast. He was out the door in a shot, shutting it behind him. Which was smart, since wolves can’t open doors.

This left only the guard, who was staring at my stepbrothers in slack-jawed amazement. The muzzle of his rifle had sagged almost to the floor and he was just standing there, like a man wondering if he was caught in the middle of a nightmare.

Too late, he seemed to realize that this was actually reality and not a bad dream. He charged towards us, raising his gun as he came, but Gabriel’s wolf sprang into action. He leaped into the air and was on the guard before the man knew what hit him.

With a scream, the guard toppled over backwards with the enormous black wolf at his throat. There was a low growling and ripping sound and then a spray of dark red arterial blood and a spray of bullets shot into the air simultaneously.

The bullets missed us—they shot harmlessly into the ceiling with a deafening chatter. The blood, however, gouted all down the front of my, by-now extremely messy white lace nighty.

I gave a little cry of disgust and surprise and jumped back instinctively. The howling of the wolves had gotten even louder—I could tell they were inside the house now. There were more shouts and screams—more machine gun chatter—more howling. The wolves were winning, I thought—unsurprising considering how huge and fast they were.

My own wolves were on either side of me, their muzzles drawn back in silent growls. Christopher and Gabriel had vowed to protect me and so far they had. But could they keep me safe from all the wolves of the Moncrieff Pack if their scent was found on me?

I just didn’t know.

“What is it? What’s going on?” The voice of Don Diego came from the abandoned laptop which had been half-shut somehow in the commotion. I paid it no attention. The drug king wasn’t the danger anymore—the wolves coming for us were.

“I need to get to the bathroom and wash off,” I said to the wolves that were my stepbrothers. I wondered if they could understand me when they were in animal form but I quickly got an answer. They looked at me with intelligent eyes and the black wolf Gabriel had turned into nudged me, as though to say, “Go on, then.”

The machine gun chatter had mostly died off, making me think that Don Diego’s men were probably all dead. I wondered what had happened to Lupio-had he gotten away? Or was he dead in the hallway with his throat torn out, like the guard in our room, who was currently lying in a spreading pool of his own blood?

I didn’t know and I found I didn’t want to know. I just wanted to get to the bathroom and wash my stepbrothers’ scent and seed off my skin and out of my pussy before the wolves from Moncrieff’s pack found us and sniffed out what had been going on between the three of us for the past couple of hours.

I tried the doorknob—only to find that Lupio had locked it behind him! Shit—now what was I going to do? I couldn’t get to the bathroom to wash off, which was bad news. We were going to all be dead if I couldn’t get rid of the evidence of our three-way orgy!

Suddenly I heard a loud male voice shouting.

“Hello? Hello—is anyone there? This is Colonel Michael Brazier—I’m with Pack Master Moncrieff’s Pack and I’m looking for Zoe, Gabriel, and Christopher Cruz!”

Shit! Things were going from bad to worse in a hurry. I’d been thinking that at least the wolves of Moncrieff’s pack couldn’t open the door to catch me, but now it seemed they had a human with them—or maybe a Were who hadn’t turned? Whichever it was, I was shortly going to be in trouble. If Moncrieff’s people found me with my stepbrothers’ scent all over me and their seed inside me, we were all going to be as dead as if Don Diego had gotten his wish to execute us!

The wolves my stepbrothers had become seemed to understand what was going on because the brown one made a soft whining sound and the black one growled low in his throat. Both of them got between me and the door, furry bodies braced and I realized they were about to make a last stand to protect me.

“No—no, wait, don’t do that!” I begged them. “There has to be some way to fix this…something we can do…”

I cast around the room desperately. I could wipe myself up with the sheets, but that wouldn’t get rid of their scents on my skin or the evidence in the room. What was I going to do?