“Would you like to see a cock?” Gabriel asked me, raising his eyebrows. “Would you like to suck a cock?”

I bit my lip.

“Yes, I…I think I would,” I said softly. “But wouldn’t it be naughty for me to suck on my own brother’s cock?”

“It’ll be all right, little sister,” Gabriel assured me. “Just once can’t hurt—and you want to know what to expect on your wedding night, right?”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Oh…Oh, Gabriel…Christopher!”

I was moaning because my second orgasm of the evening had hit me. My hips were bucking all over the place as the pleasure rolled through me, but Christopher stayed with me, holding me down and lapping me fiercely until at last the orgasm ran its course and my moaning subsided.

When he looked up, his mouth was shiny with my honey and he licked his lips.

“You were right, brother,” he said to Gabriel. “Our little sister has the sweetest, creamiest pussy I’ve ever tasted.”

“Yes, she does,” Gabriel agreed. “Do you think she’s slippery enough to have a cock inside her now?”

“I don’t know.” Christopher looked at me thoughtfully. “I guess that depends on whose cock it is.”

“Little sister tells me she’s never even seen a cock before,” Gabriel told him. “So I promised her that if she was a good girl, we would let her see ours.”

“I think she’s been a very good girl,” Christopher remarked. “She let us pull down her top to pinch and suck her ripe nipples and then she let us take off her panties and spread her legs so we could taste her pussy.”

“Then she definitely deserves to see our cocks,” Gabriel agreed.

Christopher rose from the foot of the bed and began unbuttoning his jeans.

Gabriel got up from behind me and went to stand beside his brother. He also started opening his jeans.

This was another time when there was no need to fake my reactions. I really hadn’t seen male equipment up close before and I was curious about my stepbrothers. I especially wanted to see the knots at the bases of their shafts, which I had read about in my werewolf smut book.

My big brothers opened their jeans and revealed two long, hard cocks with broad crowns. And if Christopher’s was just a little longer, well, Gabriel’s was a lot thicker. In fact, it was positively huge.

“Oh, my!” I said, sitting up and leaning forward so I could get a better look at them.

“Would you like to touch us?” Gabriel growled.

As a matter of fact, I did want to touch them. Reaching up, I took Gabriel’s hard shaft in my left hand and Christopher’s in my right. They both felt surprisingly hot until I reminded myself that as Weres they put out more body heat than an ordinary human would.

The texture of their skin was silky and surprisingly soft—like flower petals, I thought. But under the softness, they were both extremely hard—I could feel them throbbing in my fingers. And down near the base of each shaft was a small swelling, which I assumed must be the knot. Doubtless it would get bigger if they were breeding someone.

Or what if they were breeding me? a little voice whispered in my head, but I tried to push it away. Actual breeding meant pregnancy—something I wasn’t prepared to handle.

On the tip of Gabriel’s broad head, I saw a clear bead of some kind of liquid. Curiously, I put out my tongue to taste it and found that it was salty and hot and slightly bitter—not unlike Gabriel himself.

“Dios, that’s right little sister,” he groaned softly. “Lick me—your soft little tongue feels so good on my cock!”

Eagerly, I leaned in and licked some more. Then I experimented with taking the head in my mouth. It wasn’t easy since Gabriel was so thick, but I managed to get the head and another inch or two in before I had to stop.

Then it was Christopher’s turn. I lapped eagerly at the head and then the shaft of his cock as well. His precum tasted slightly less salty and wild than Gabriel’s, but it was still delicious.

Both my stepbrothers had their eyes glued on me—it was like they couldn’t look away from the erotic sight of their little sister licking and sucking their cocks like they were some new, delicious kind of lollipop.

I wanted to try them both together too, so I tugged lightly until they stepped forward and the broad crowns pressed against each other.

“What are you doing, little sister?” Gabriel growled, frowning.

“I just want to taste you both at the same time,” I said innocently. “Is that all right?”

“Well…” Gabriel frowned. “I guess so.”

“Don’t worry, brother,” Christopher said dryly. “Just rubbing your cock against mine won’t make you gay.”

Gabriel growled again but didn’t say another word as I leaned forward and began running my tongue all over both of their wide heads.