“How does she taste, brother?” Christopher murmured from behind me.

“Mmm…” Gabriel looked up, his mouth shiny with my honey. “Fucking delicious.”

“Save some of her honey for me,” Christopher murmured. “I want to taste her sweet little pussy too.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem since every time I lick her, she makes more,” Gabriel told him. To illustrate his point, he held me open and licked me again, sliding his hot tongue deep inside my pussy mouth to start and then dragging it up to circle my clit.

I could barely hold still, it felt so good! My hips were twitching all over the place as Gabriel feasted on me and at the same time, Christopher was tugging at my nipples, sending bolts of pleasure through my entire body.

“Mmm, Little Sis,” he murmured to me as he watched Gabriel taste me. “Do you like having your big brother’s tongue deep in your pussy? Does it feel good?”

“It does!” I moaned, bucking my hips again. “It almost feels like I might…might come!” I looked up at Christopher. “But is it right to let my own big brother lick my pussy until I come?”

“It should be all right to come just once,” Christopher assured me. “Letting your big brother lick you until you cream all over his tongue isn’t so bad as long as you only do it one time.” He twisted my nipples gently, making me moan. “But of course, once Gabe finishes tasting you, I’m going to want a turn. And I’m going to want to make you come, too.”

“But then I’ll be coming more than once!” I protested. “Won’t that be really close to committing incest?” (Don Diego had wanted us to mention the word “incest” as often as possible, so I was trying to throw it in a lot.)

“I told you, Little Sis—it’s only incest if we put our cocks inside you and shoot our cum deep in your little womb to give you a creamy pussy,” Christopher assured me. “So just relax and let Gabe make you come.”

As he spoke, he kept twisting my nipples, making me squirm and moan as Gabriel continued to lap my open pussy and circle my clit. Part of me couldn’t believe we were doing this, but we couldn’t stop—we could get shot if we did. So I told myself I just had to give in and do whatever our captor had ordered—it was the only way to stay alive.

Just a few moments later my stepbrother sucked my clit into his mouth and began torturing it with the tip of his tongue. At the same time, he slid two thick fingers inside me again and began finger-fucking me steadily.

I had never had such intense stimulation and it sent me right over the edge. With a cry, my hips began bucking uncontrollably as sparks of pleasure shot through my entire body. My nipples, already tight from the way Christopher had been tugging and twisting them, suddenly got even tighter as a toe-curling orgasm rushed through me.

“God, look at her coming so hard!” Christopher murmured, squeezing my breasts. “Look at how creamy you’re making her little pussy, brother.”

Gabriel rode out my orgasm before answering. When at last I moaned and went limp between them, he looked up at me and licked his lips.

“There, little sister—your pussy is a lot more slippery now.”

“Does that mean that…that I’ll be able to let a cock slide inside me now?” I panted, trying to remember this part of Don Diego’s “vision.”

“Well, not yet,” Gabriel told me. “You’ll need to get your pussy licked some more first.” He looked at Christopher. “Do you want a turn licking her creamy little cunt, brother?”

“Hell, yes.” Christopher’s green eyes were hooded with lust. “Been wanting to get between her legs and lick our little sister’s sweet pussy for months.”

They switched places and this time it was Christopher between my thighs while Gabriel stroked and kneaded my breasts. To my surprise, he also seemed to want to talk to me while my other stepbrother tasted me.

“Look at how good you are, opening your pussy for both your big brothers,” he growled softly as we both watched Christopher lick me. “Look at you all spread out like a good girl getting your pussy licked.”

His words made me even hotter, if that was possible, and I felt myself building towards orgasm again.

“Really?” I panted, looking up at him. “Letting you and Christopher lick my pussy makes me a…a good girl?”

“A very good girl,” Gabriel assured me. “Soon your pussy will be nice and slippery so you can take a cock deep inside.”

“I…I have a, ohhh…a confession,” I half said/half moaned.

“And what’s that, little sister?” Gabriel murmured, tugging lightly at my nipples.

“I…I’ve never seen a cock before,” I told him. This was the truth, actually—well, except for Manuel’s hairy sausage, but that was disgusting and didn’t count. I was hoping that my stepbrothers had much nicer ones—especially since they were probably going inside me.