Lupio was still there to oversee things and run the camera. The laptop with Don Diego was still on its stand—he had informed us that he would try not to interrupt unless we were “getting it wrong” and “ruining his vision.” A single guard was there as well. He stood well back in the corner of the room with his assault rifle ready in case any of us “acted up,” as Don Diego put it.

I didn’t think anyone was going to try anything though—not until the full moon came out and that was still several hours away. In the meantime, we were going to do as we were told and act out the elaborate scenario that Don Diego had dreamed up.

“Oh, I’m just worried about the wedding tomorrow,” I said, looking up at my stepbrothers.

“What’s worrying you?” Gabriel asked, sounding slightly stilted. He came to sit beside me on the bed and Christopher sat on the other side, so I was between them.

“It’s just…” I bit my lip, not having to fake my embarrassment. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Not at the ceremony but, afterwards—you know?”

“You mean on your wedding night?” Christopher asked, raising his eyebrows.

Nibbling my lower lip again, I nodded.

“I…I’ve never been with a man before,” I admitted. “I don’t know what to expect. What he’s going to do to me.”

“We know you’re a virgin, Little Sis,” Christopher said gently. He was by far the most natural actor of the three of us, I thought. “So if you have any questions, you can ask us. Gabe and I will be happy to help you or tell you anything you want to know.”

I looked up at both of them.

“That would be nice. Or maybe…maybe you could show me?”

“Show you what?” Gabriel demanded, frowning.

From the laptop, we heard the sound of Don Diego clearing his throat impatiently.

Christopher caught his brother’s eye and gave a short shake of his head. The message was clear—lighten up.

Gabriel tried again.

“Er, I mean—what would you like us to show you, little sister?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know…” I looked up at him appealingly. “Maybe…how a man touches a woman when he wants to…to bring her pleasure?”

This was a line right out of Don Diego’s notes and I hoped by using it I would please the drug king. I was well aware that the guard in the corner could be ordered to shoot us all at any moment if we were accused of ruining Don Diego’s “Artistic Vision.”

“Where do you want us to touch you, Little Sis?” Christopher murmured. “Maybe…here?” Reaching out, he cupped my right breast in one big, warm hand and began to tease my tight nipple with his thumb.

“Oh!” I moaned softly, not having to fake my reaction. It felt so good to have my stepbrother touch me! But something was missing.

Don Diego seemed to think so too, because he cleared his throat again, pointedly.

“Or here?” Gabriel said, taking the hint and cupping my left breast.

“Mmm…that feels good,” I told them, again not faking. “But I’ve heard that husbands do other things to…to their wives on their wedding night. Can you show me more?”

“We’d love to show you more, Little Sis,” Christopher rumbled. “But maybe it would be easier if we pulled the top of this lacy little nighty you’ve got on, down a little?”

I bit my lip.

“I don’t know…don’t you think letting my two big brothers see my naked breasts is kind of…naughty?”

“A little maybe,” Christopher admitted. “But how else can we show you what to expect on your wedding night?”

As he spoke, he tugged at the top of my baby-doll nighty, pulling it down to expose my breasts.

“Dios, such gorgeous tits!” Gabriel’s voice was hoarse. “You really have grown up a lot, little sister.” He tugged lightly at my nipple and I moaned.

“Oh! That feels really good…but still kind of naughty,” I said, though I made no move to stop either one of them.

“But we have to have your nipples bare so we can show you something else, Little Sis,” Christopher murmured.

“What?” I asked, looking up at him. “Are you going to show me more things a husband does to his wife on their wedding night?”

“If you want,” Gabriel said. His silver eyes were half-lidded now and his acting was more natural. It seemed that maybe my older stepbrother was beginning to get into his part.

“What kinds of things will you show me, big brother?” I asked him. Don Diego wanted us to call each other “brother” and “sister” as often as possible to emphasize the taboo part of the plot he had dreamed up. Clearly he wanted there to be no doubt that the three of us were committing incest.

“Well, I might show you how a husband likes to taste his wife,” Gabriel growled.

“Taste her? Taste her where?” I asked innocently.