As for the panties—well, they barely deserved the name. They consisted of a fragile lace triangle that barely covered my pussy slit. In fact, it didn’t completely cover it—the very top of my slit and my neatly trimmed mound of golden curls was clearly visible above the lace. The lower point of the triangle split into two white strings which framed my lower pussy rather than covering it in any way and then came around to end in a heart just above my bare ass.

Of course, the skimpy panties wouldn’t have been a problem if the nighty was long enough to cover them—but it really wasn’t. As much as I tugged at the hem, it kept riding up to show my crotch and my behind. And the robe that went with the outfit didn’t help, since it was also extremely short.

Somehow these clothes managed to make me feel more naked than when I had actually been naked!

“Why do I have to wear these?” I asked Lupio again, since he hadn’t answered me the first time.

“It is all part of Don Diego’s vision,” he said mysteriously. “Come—I think he should be ready to speak to you now.”

And he led me back into the room.

To my surprise, a bed had been set up in my absence. It wasn’t small, either—it was a big four-poster with a thick mattress and bedsprings. It had been covered in a black coverlet that reminded me of the one on Gabriel’s bed back at the mansion.

Looking more closely, I saw that the coverlet still had the tags on it and the headboard of the bed still had a price sticker in one corner. Was all this stuff brand new, like my lacy white outfit? What in the world was going on here?

My stepbrothers had their hands zip tied again and were sitting side-by-side at the end of the mattress. Neither of them looked happy about this but there was a guard holding his rifle on them, obviously to keep them in line.

Lastly, I noticed the laptop was open and sitting on a stand that seemed to have been bought especially for that purpose. Don Diego’s jowly bulldog face was staring back at me from the screen.

“All right, now all of you are together. And doesn’t the little filly look lovely? Que linda!” the drug king said, nodding approvingly at my outfit.

I blushed and fought the urge to cover myself so I wouldn’t make him mad.

“What’s going on? What is all this?” I asked, motioning at the new bed and mattress set and the new comforter and pillows as well.

“Have a seat between your brothers and you will see, my dear. Don Diego will tell you of his vision,” Don Diego said, slipping into the third person again.

I didn’t seem to have much choice, so I squeezed in between Christopher and Gabriel and waited to hear what our captor would say.

“When I first made the plan to capture the children of the cabron who stole my house, I thought it was perfect. After all, what worse agony could a parent suffer than seeing his children executed?” Don Diego began.

The pit of my stomach felt cold and I squeezed my hands into fists in my lap. Oh God—what was he going to do to us?

“But then, when I saw your sweet little sister, another plan began to form in my head,” the drug king went on, speaking mostly to Gabriel. “I thought to myself—there are worse things for a parent to see—worse pains to suffer.”

I had no idea where he was going with this and from the looks on their faces, neither did Gabriel or Christopher.

“I had the little filly stripped and kept you all in this room last night, so that I could watch you together and ponder the thoughts that came to me,” he went on.

“You were watching us?” Gabriel demanded. He looked around the room, scanning the ceiling, as though looking for spy devices.

“Watching but not listening—I believe in giving some privacy—that is the generosity of Don Diego,” the drug king said. “I saw the way the two of you held and cared for your little sister—how gentle you both were with her.”

“We had to hold her,” Christopher said defensively. “She would have frozen otherwise—this room is like a meat locker!”

“Perhaps, perhaps—but I liked watching you together,” Don Diego said. “And by this morning I had collected my thoughts and decided what to do. I had Lupio send his men to gather everything that was needed, as you see.”

He made a motion with one pudgy hand, which encompassed the new bed we were sitting on and probably my new outfit at well.

“Get to the fucking point,” Gabriel growled—very unwisely, I thought.

The drug king frowned at us from the laptop.

“I would have the guards beat you for your insolence, boy, but I don’t want to spoil your looks.” He leaned forward and frowned. “Though I am mystified as to how you have already healed from the blows you took to the face yesterday.”