“Gabriel?” I looked up at him uncertainly, wondering why he was holding me like this.

“Little Zoe,” he murmured, looking down at me. “You’re so beautiful—do you know that?”

I blushed because his eyes flicked from my face to my exposed breasts and sex before coming back up to meet my eyes again.

“Thank you,” I said, not sure how else to answer.

“Too beautiful for your own good.” He shook his head. “If you weren’t my little sister and Christopher wasn’t my brother—”

My heart started pounding and I could feel my nipples getting tight.

“Then you’d want the three of us together?”

“Would you want that?” Gabriel arched an eyebrow at me. “Would you want to be with both of us? Forever? Because that’s what a Triad means, little mouse. Once you form that bond only death can break it.”

I thought of how my Dad was dead and my mother had pretty much completely emotionally abandoned me now that she was pregnant and “nesting.” I had no other relatives to run to, but that wasn’t what made me nod my head.

It was the feeling I got when I was with Christopher and Gabriel—the feeling of love and caring and strength and safety and belonging. It was a feeling of home, I thought—a feeling like the three of us could make something together—a life of love and happiness.

“Yes,” I whispered. “I’d want you—both of you—forever. But…I thought you said it wasn’t possible.”

“Oh, it’s not.” Gabriel gave a mirthless laugh. “It’s completely impossible, little mouse. We’re all related by the laws of the Pack and besides, the Pack Master would never allow it. He’d hunt us down.”

“And you don’t love me enough to die for me, right?” I asked, feeling my heart sink.

“I love you too much to let all three of us get killed,” Gabriel corrected me. He cupped my cheek in one big hand and looked into my eyes. “But if things were different—if you weren’t my little sister and Christopher wasn’t my brother and it wasn’t so fucking forbidden, yes, I’d form a Triad with the two of you.”

“It’s really that forbidden? Even though we don’t have any blood relation between us?” I asked.

Gabriel frowned.

“Yes, it’s that forbidden. There are only two Unbreakable Laws in the Were world—a male must never breed a female in Fur-Form and he must never commit incest with a family member—either by blood or adoption.”

“And if they thought we’d been breaking the rules, they’d kill us?” I felt a shiver run through me.

“Without a single fucking doubt,” Gabriel said grimly. “In fact, if we do get out of this alive—if either the Pack Master’s Alphas or Moncrieff’s wolves come for us, you’re going to need to find a way to wash off our scent or cover it somehow. If they smell us on you, it will be a death sentence for all of us.”

The pit of my stomach felt cold.

“Even if we explain that the two of you were just keeping me warm? I mean, it’s not like we, er, did anything.” Other than Christopher cupping and petting my breasts, anyway—which hardly counted, I thought.

“They wouldn’t even give us a chance to explain,” Gabriel told me. “They would just—”

At that moment the door opened and Lupio stepped in with an armed guard. In his hands, he held a box and the laptop, though it wasn’t open yet.

“All right,” he said. “I am sorry to keep you waiting but at last we are ready to begin.”


The box turned out to contain a lacy white baby-doll nightgown and a white lace robe to match. There was also a pair of tiny, white lace panties that were almost see-though and so skimpy they barely covered anything.

I found this out pretty quickly after I was herded into the bathroom again to take a shower and put them on. This time, Lupio himself came with me instead of the guard. He let me shut the shower curtain and even gave me sweet smelling soap and a relatively clean towel to dry off with—but he wouldn’t answer a single one of my questions—at least not directly.

“Why do I have to wear this?” I said, looking down at myself. I felt much better after getting all the grime and dirt and dust off my skin but I couldn’t help thinking that I looked like something on one of the dirty websites I wasn’t allowed to view. (Though I had caught a brief glimpse at a friend’s house once, when I was younger and her brother had one up on his laptop.)

The white lace cups of the baby-doll nighty cradled my breasts but they were so low you could see the dusky pink curves of my areolas peeping over the tops of them. Also, the lace itself was so see-though that the ripe pink points of my nipples were almost completely visible.