A sob rose in my throat and though I tried to swallow it, I couldn’t quite manage. My shoulders started to shake and my eyes were stinging with tears but I didn’t want to move my hands to wipe them—I was trying desperately to cover myself, as though I could regain the modesty I had lost earlier.

“Oh, sweetheart…” I heard Christopher say and then he was pulling me into his arms to comfort me.

“Get off me!” I sobbed, though I didn’t try to push him away. “Just an hour ago you two were going to give me up to Moncrieff!”

“I didn’t want to,” Christopher reminded me. “But you’re right—I’m so sorry, Little Sis.”

Just hearing him call me that again seemed to break something inside of me. I cried harder and buried my face in his chest.

Gabriel came over as well and patted me awkwardly on the back.

“I’m fucking sorry too, all right?” he growled. “But right now, we have bigger problems than Moncrieff to worry about. We have to find a way out of here.”

“Why bother?” I sniffed, glaring at him from the shelter of Christopher’s arms. “I’m going to get raped either way.”

Gabriel’s eyes flashed silver.

“Not if I can help it,” he growled. “I promise you something right now, Zoe—those cabrons aren’t going to touch you! I’ll kill every last fucking one of them if I have to—Christopher and I will keep you safe.”

“He’s right, Little Sis—we’re going to protect you,” Christopher murmured.

They felt like empty promises to me—how could they protect me against men with assault rifles?

But as I stared into the fire blazing in Gabriel’s eyes, I wondered. Maybe they could somehow protect me. After all, they were werewolves, right? I mean, I’d only seen them change from afar, but presumably they turned into big, fury predators with sharp teeth.

“Thank you,” I said softly. “But I don’t know what we’re going to do.”

“I don’t either, but we’re going to figure it out.” Gabriel frowned. “You must be cold—let’s find your dress.”

We all looked around the big, empty room but though the many tiny buttons were still sprinkled across the dirty tile floor, the remains of my white dress were nowhere to be found. My bra and panties were likewise gone.

“Hijo de puta!” Gabriel swore. “One of those bastards must have taken her clothes with him when they left! He’s probably jerking off on her panties right now.”

The thought made me sick and I shivered. As hot as it had been outside, it felt positively chilly indoors and being naked didn’t help.

“Here—take mine.” Christopher pulled off the blue T-shirt he’d been wearing and handed it to me. “Sorry if it’s kind of sweaty,” he said apologetically.

It wasn’t actually and it smelled nice—like cedar and fur and masculine spice. It fell almost to my knees but the thin cotton didn’t keep me very warm. I shivered again and put my arms around myself.

“Take mine too,” Gabriel growled. He was wearing a long-sleeved button down black shirt, probably to look presentable when he handed me over to Pack Master Moncrieff.

I pushed that thought out of my mind as he unbuttoned the shirt and handed it to me. Right now we had to think about getting out of here—later I would worry about getting away from my husband-to-be.

“Thanks,” I said as I pulled his shirt on. It smelled of his dark, masculine musk, which coupled with Christopher’s scent, made me feel safe and warm.

The sleeves were much too long of course, but I rolled them up. My legs were still bare but at least my top half was covered. I felt much better, even though we were still in a bad position.

“Okay, now that Zoe’s taken care of, how the fuck are we going to get out of here?” Gabriel said. He went pacing around the room, his boots echoing against the tiles. On the far wall was a long, narrow window which let in a single stripe of sunshine.

“Could Zoe get through the window?” Gabriel asked, going to stand by his brother as they looked out of it together.

I shook my head.

“Uh-uh—no way. Maybe I could have before I, uh, changed so much. But now…” I gestured down at my chest. There was no way my triple D boobs were going through that narrow gap—my head either, for that matter—even if the guys could have gotten it open. And I was pretty sure they couldn’t—there was no latch that I could see. The window was just a long, narrow pane of glass, probably meant for decoration.

It was too high for me to even see out of, though I tried. I came to stand between them and got on my tiptoes, trying to look outside.

“Here.” Gabriel put his hands around my waist and lifted me effortlessly. “Not that there’s anything to see,” he added as I peered out the pane of dusty glass.