I saw a murderous look in Gabriel’s silver eyes and Christopher was glaring at our captors too. I understood that both of them would keep on fighting for me unless I said something.

“Guys, it’s okay.” I tried to catch Gabriel’s eyes. “He told them not to touch me. Please—don’t get hurt any more for me!”

My older stepbrother subsided, but there was still a spark of possessive rage in his eyes and Christopher looked furious too, though he forced himself to sit back on his heels and stopped trying to get between me and my captor.

“If…if you’ll untie my hands, I’ll take my dress off myself,” I said to Don Diego in a shaking voice.

He seemed to consider for a moment, then nodded.

“Free her hands.”

One of the men stepped forward and produced a sharp silver blade. With a single slash, he cut the plastic zip ties that were holding my hands in front of me.

“Thank you,” I said, not meeting his eyes.

I started to take off my dress but there were a lot of tiny buttons to undo and my hands were slow and clumsy—my fingers were numb because the plastic bands had cut off my circulation for so long.

After a moment, Don Diego made an impatient sounding noise.

“This is taking too long. Strip her,” he directed.

One of the men gave his gun to another to hold. Then he stepped up to me and grabbed the sides of my dress, right at the neckline. With one violent motion he ripped it down the middle—tiny buttons went flying in every direction, bouncing and clattering on the dirty tile floor.

I gasped as he yanked the ragged remains of the dress off me and threw it at my feet. I had nothing on under it but a white bra and panties—again, at my stepfather’s insistence, though presumably Pack Master Moncrieff wouldn’t have been seeing me in my underwear until after our Joining ceremony.

“Good, good.” Don Diego nodded from the laptop screen. “She is a most fetching little filly, is she not?” he added, presumably speaking to the man who was holding the laptop.

“Yes, Don Diego—truly a beauty. Que linda!” the man answered.

“Yes, que linda,” the drug king agreed. “But I want to see all of her—take off the rest.”

Gabriel growled low in his throat and Christopher shifted beside me, his green eyes filled with protective anger.

“Wait!” I gasped, putting out my hands when the man who had ripped my dress reached for me. “Please, please let me do it myself!”

“Very well, but be quick about it. I want to see your lovely breasts, my dear.” Don Diego leered at me from the laptop screen.

Feeling sick but also somehow strangely detached from my body, I quickly removed my bra. It was another one that latched in the front and I only had to fumble with it for a moment before it came off. Then, keeping my eyes down on the dirty tile floor, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my virginal white panties and pushed them down. I stepped out of them, feeling cold all over.

I tried covering myself with my arms, but Don Diego made a clucking sound with his tongue.

“Now, now, my pretty little chica, how can I see your lovely breasts and your sweet little pussy if you cover yourself? Put your hands by your sides so I can see you properly.”

Biting my lip, I did as he said and forced myself to stand there, completely naked, knowing that every eye in the room was on me.

For a long moment, they all just looked at me while I looked at the floor. I couldn’t stand to meet anyone’s eyes—not even Gabriel’s or Christopher’s. My hands were clenched into fists at my sides and I shifted from foot to foot—I had never wanted to cover myself so badly in my life. I think I would have paid a million dollars for a single towel to wrap around me—anything to hide my nakedness.

At last Don Diego spoke again.

“Yes—a lovely little filly,” he said again, as though speaking to himself. “Such high, full breasts and that soft little patch of curls between her legs is hiding a sweet little pussy, I think.”

“Would you like us to make her spread her legs to show you, Don Diego?” the man holding the laptop asked.

Oh my God! I felt as though I had swallowed a fist-sized chunk of ice.

Please say no! Please say no!

To my relief, Don Diego shook his head.

“No, but seeing her beautiful young body has given me an idea. I must have time to think it over, though.”

“What should we do with them while you think, Don Diego?” the man holding the laptop asked. “Should we shoot the two cabrons and save the niña hermosa for you?”

“No—don’t shoot any of them. Not yet,” Don Diego said, much to my relief. “For now, lock them up and keep them safe. I must have time to think.”