“What’s that?”

“That I took your virginity that way.”

She jolts with surprise.

“Yeah, your sister, Jessica? She showed up at a bar where I’d planned to hook up with a random stranger to work you out of my system. She showed and told me you saved it for me. Saved it after everything.”

“I didn’t know if you’d want it.”

“Of course I’d want it. I’m wrecked over how I took it. It’s been fucking with me since right after it happened. Fucked me sideways that I did that to you, lost it like that.”

“It was always yours to have, no matter which way you took it. I’m just glad it went to you.”

“You’re a fucking miracle, Erica Savage.”

She jerks in surprise and stares at me a second.

“Yeah, Erica Savage. You want a wedding? You don’t need it, whatever. You’re my wife in my eyes and my pack’s eyes now. No severing, little witch. Not now, not ever.”

She begins to weep. Hard.

I lay down with her and purr.

“I…” she sniffles, “I don’t want anybody to pinch me right now because if this isn’t real, I don’t wanna know.”

I pinch her ass and she giggles, tears in her eyes. Love in her eyes. I kiss her and purr some more.

“I don’t want you to fall into things and then realize you made a mistake not getting a fresh start when it’s what’s best for you, Riley.”

“Baby, I swear I’m never gonna feel that way. Not ever. I’m really glad you saved that for me. I’m also really glad your sister stopped me that night because it’s only been you for me. Since the day you bumped into the fire hydrant.”



I want more than anything to believe him.

I do feel too broken to be fixed. I didn’t think it was possible. Him. Us. A future.

He purrs for at least an hour with me lying close, my head on his chest, and it feels so good to be held, feels so right to hear that noise, smell his scent. I don’t ever want it to stop, but nature calls, so I finally get up and go to the bathroom, feeling his eyes on me as I leave the room.

I refuse to look at myself in the bathroom mirror, fearing facing the idiot in the reflection. The self-loathing slithering through me is intense right now, though not enough for me to pull away when he touches me. Not enough for me to resist letting the warmth seep in when he holds me, when he purrs for me.

When I come out, he’s dumping the contents of our breakfast plates into a trash bin by the fridge.

“It went cold. Didn’t get enough to eat. Want something else?”

“Yeah,” I say and approach. When I get to him, he’s setting the plates into the sink. I get up on my tippytoes and wrap my arms around his neck.

His eyes sparkle and he gives me a wide smile.

I thread my fingers into his hair and stare into his eyes.

God, I could look deep like this forever if he looked at me like this all the time.

“What do you want, little witch?” he asks, voice gravelly.

And my belly dips. I want to make him happy. That’s what I want. I want him to always look at me like this.

“I want you,” I say.

And then I drop to my knees, taking his lounge pants with me.

His cock bobs up and I watch him grip the counter on either side of himself as my mouth wraps around him.

The look on his face is hot. Sizzling hot.

I pop him out and say, “I’ve never done this before, so feel free to make suggestions.” Our eyes are locked as I wrap my lips around him and take him in deeper.

And the look on his face is all the encouragement I need to do my best to make it good for him.

“Fuck, that’s some magic right there, little witch,” he groans.

And then it seems like he loses his ability for speech as he grips the counter harder, throat bobbing.

“Oh, well since I’m not supposed to use magic,” I say, planting a kiss on his hipbone. “But when it comes to you? Fuck the rules.”

“Get that back in your mouth,” he orders, eyes looking dangerous. His fingers thread into my hair.

So I get back to it, feeling heat and moisture between my legs at the command.

“I’m gonna come down your throat if you don’t stop that,” he warns, not long later.

My reply must be clear as I gaze up at him communicating with my eyes and more suction that it’s exactly what I want. It must be clear because he wobbles and then it happens. He comes in my mouth.

And it’s an awesome thing to watch. Muscles straining in his neck. Fingers flexing. Lips parting, eyes flashing with satisfaction.

“You looked fuckin’ breathtaking on your knees looking up at me, while taking my cock, looking at me like you want to give me everything.”