I stepped onto the land, noting a faded homemade laminated sign that read ‘no tresspassing’ (yes, with the typo). Further in, there was a “smile, you’re on candid camera’ sign that looked like it’d been there at least a decade.

I measured the lot from the marked property line posts and jotted the numbers down so I could write up a quote when I got back, wondering if I was picked up on a trail cam or if it was just a sign to give would-be trespassers pause.

Did they want me here at a specific time for a reason? As a test to find out how punctual Savage Construction is? I figured whatever. Do my job and not worry about it. Then, something hit my nose.

Something… strange.

Something beguiling.

I shrugged that thought off because I didn’t think I’d ever used the descriptor of beguiling in my life.

Instead of heading for the company truck, I kept going down the road, led by the scent, the scent that was gaining strength.

I couldn’t place it. Not food. Not floral. Whatever it was, I had to know the source. Had to know with an overwhelming intensity that had me almost ready to shift so I could figure it out faster.

But I know better. The mystery call for a strangely requested quote could be a trap. No way would I shift and reveal my nature in an unknown situation like this in broad daylight without any of my pack at my back. Not that I can’t handle myself in a tight spot, but shit… I couldn’t ignore the niggle of anxiety. Like something wasn’t kosher about this situation. Though everything in me told me to investigate further.

Guardedly, nose twitching, I moved down the dirt road deeper into the forest, noticing how the scent gained strength, thinking that the air felt strange, though I couldn’t pinpoint why. I wondered if it had anything to do with the old stories we’d all heard about this section of woods being haunted. And then I heard singing.

And the scent got much stronger. And somehow even better. The best.

As I got closer I recognized the song.

There She Goes.

And my eyes widened at the vision as it sharpened into focus. Not only did my eyes widen, the crotch of my jeans tightened.

A vast field of flowers in purple, pink, and yellow. A redhead dancing. That little redhead with the freckles over her nose. The fire hydrant. Hippie van. Transparent pink dress covering a fuckin’ exquisite rack. Banana split.

I stared, watching her twirling around with flowers in her hair, flower bunches in both fists as she sang.

The world stood still. No, she was the world. She was all that was in it. Until she collapsed. Panic struck hard, so I broke into a full run until I was standing over her.

She was smiling.

She wasn’t unconscious. She lay in the grass, surrounded by flowers, a flower wreath tied in her wild, curly copper hair. Her eyes were closed, thick lashes lying against her cheeks. And she looked happy. Beautiful.

Greyish eyes opened and she startled, mouth dropping wide open before she cussed. “Holy horses.” She started blinking rapidly.

“You okay, darlin’?” I squatted.

Her irises had flecks in them the same color as her hair.

“Am I… okay?” She frowned, little lines appearing over the bridge of her lightly freckled nose.

She was wearing a patchwork quilt-patterned long dress in earth tones, long tassels hanging down from the collar. She looked like some sort of earth goddess there in the flowers with all those blossoms in her hair.

“Are you? You were singing and then you collapsed.”

She smiled wider at me. And then she broke into a fit of giggles.

I tilted my head curiously.

She’s what I smelled. The scent was all around me. Not the flowers. Her. Soft, fragrant, beautiful, and…

Holy fuck.


I think this girl is mine.


I blinked in surprise.

Couldn’t be. Could it?

Mase was born first, meaning it should be him that mates first. And not until we take on our roles in the council. Nobody was talking about that happening yet. Not even whispering about it.

But she was mine.

I knew it. My wolf knew it.

“I didn’t collapse. I swooned.”


“At the beauty of all this,” she said, gesturing to the space around her. “The sky. The flowers. Did you see all the flowers? I twirled and sang until I was overcome with the beauty. And I swooned.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m… Rikki.”

“Rikki. I’m Riley.” I held my hand out.

She smiled a gorgeous smile at me before she held her hand out.

It was filled with flowers.

I accepted the bouquet, changed hands and helped her to her feet. She’d tied it into a bundle with a long stem from one of the flowers.

She was tiny. I had at least a foot of height on her.

“Rikki, are you drunk?”

She laughed. “I was last night. I think it’s mostly worn off though.”