“Me either,” he says.

“If you ever need to reach out, we might be able to help, Greyson. Me, Vivi, and Ronnie cook up a pretty useful locator spell together. Though I’m under sanctions right now, they could work it without me. Or I could help if it’s after all this. And Aunt Mimi said she’s happy to answer your questions. I’m sure she knows way more than we do.”

A swallow works down his throat. “Not sure about that, but I appreciate having the door open. Thanks, Erica.” He gestures for me to head out the door. I step out and head in Riley’s direction.

“Hey? Program my number in your phone,” Greyson says from behind me, then his voice drops, “If you need anything, call me.”

“Oh,” I feel discombobulated. “It’s in the bus,” I say, darting a glance over my shoulder at Riley who is on the porch, looking tense, looking at the trees off in the distance. “The cupholder in the front, I think. And maybe could you grab my cooler? I have some food in there.”

“I’ll grab it, sure,” Greyson agrees.

“We brought some supplies from Riley’s kitchen,” Tyson says as I walk toward the cabin, getting closer, feeling like I might be heading for my doom.

He continues, ”I took them inside and left them on the table. Some need the fridge or freezer right away. And I’ll be by in the morning with more food,” Tyson tacks on.

“And to make sure he hasn’t murdered me?” I joke.

Nobody laughs.

I can see from my periphery that Riley’s eyes are on me now, but I can’t bring myself to meet them.

There’s an awkward moment until Greyson is back. “I added my number and called my phone from yours, so I have your digits too. Here.”

I slip it into my dress pocket. “Thanks,” I whisper, then I’m again hugging myself.

“It’ll be okay,” Greyson tells me, putting his hands on my shoulders and squeezing reassuringly.

I hear growling. And it moves through me with a strange sensation.

Riley’s doing that. And his eyes are on Greyson.

And suddenly there’s heat in my underwear. I’m mortified because I could swear I see both Lincoln’s and Joel’s nostrils flare. The sound of Riley growling is arousing. Against my will. Oddly. Because I have no idea how I could even feel that right now with all that’s happened and happening.

And I think they can all smell it on me. God, the indignity I feel has my cheeks hot now, too.

“She’s a relative, man. Chill out,” Grey jokes, eyes on Riley, but he also lets go of me.

“Biology,” Mason explains, not meeting my eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed, Erica. Just biology. Let’s go, boys.”

Great. Confirmation that they smell it. Just great.

My clothes, Riley’s bags, and some other bags are on the porch by the door. I bite my bottom lip and shiver as things seem frozen in time for a beat.

“Now, brothers,” Mason repeats.

They pile into cars and my van. I watch them pull down the long, winding driveway, past the two hundred-odd-year-old weeping willow. I bet it’s full of magic. I’d love to tap into it. I have a feeling it’d share a whole lot of magic with me willingly. Maybe I can test that out in a week. When all this is done with. Sadness swamps me.

Right now, I’m standing on the grass in front of the porch for a moment, unsure of what to do with myself.

We’re here. This is it. This is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for. For seven years.

God, I don’t know if I can do this. I’m terrified. Terrified to speak the words. Terrified of what he’ll think, how he’ll react, how much it’ll hurt when he tells me he wants me out of his system and then walks away with zero emotion on his face.

Though zero emotion is probably better than anger or worse – pain. But, this is really happening, and I don’t know how I’m going to hold myself together. I don’t have a good explanation for all this. I was young, careless, broken-hearted, and selfish. He’s not going to forgive and forget. How could he after all it’s cost him?

Riley turns and goes to the door, so I stare at his back as he opens it.

Instead of going through, he holds it wide and gestures.

“Go in. I’ll get this stuff in.”

“I’ll help,” I offer.

He shakes his head. “I’ve got it. Go in.”

I move past him, catching his scent, feeling emotion well up so fast and full that I don’t know if my body will buckle, if I’ll burst into tears, or burst into flames. But I walk inside and take in the small, shabby but tidy, rustic space through unshed tears that I blink back.



Seven Years Ago

I drove to Drowsy Hollow with mascara tracks down my cheeks and my grip on the wheel so tight my hands were aching like I had arthritis.