The woman smiles big at me. “Hello Erica. It’s nice to meet you.” She extends her hand. “I’m Sherry.”

I shake. Her handshake is limp, and her smile looks fake.

“I heard you weren’t invited to this,” Bailey mutters grouchily before I can reply. “Your bruise is healing nicely. Be sure you do not give me a reason to give you another.”

I’m shook. This doesn’t seem like Bailey at all.

Sherry laughs like she’s shocked at Bailey’s comments.

“There’s history here,” Bailey explains. “Trust me, I’m not in the wrong.”

Sherry laughs harder, fake, like she thinks Bailey is a joke and slow claps a few times. “Wow, Bailey. Growin’ a pair, are ya? Okay, yeah, I probably had it coming… I’ll give you that, though I do say it was a cheap shot. Tell you what: try and take a swing at me again and you won’t catch me off guard.”

“You’re such a bitch,” Bailey mutters. “No remorse for what you did to Amie that night.”

Sherry laughs. “And I have a question for you, Bailey. Did you wear that little gold dress to try to catch my brother’s eye? Because I saw him go outside with the hot blonde witch. As per usual, you’re invisible to him. Just the best friend’s pesky little sister. It’s not a good look. I really think you should give it up and go find yourself a nice beta.”

“I don’t like you,” I say to Sherry. “I usually prefer to draw my own conclusions about people, even though people warned me about you. You’re living up to your bad reputation. It’s not too late to turn that around, though.”

Bailey straightens up; she knows I’ve got her back like real friends do.

Sherry rolls her eyes. “Whatever. I see they’re all treating you like Queen Shit tonight, but don’t think for a second people won’t continue looking at you thinking about poor Riley, spending seven years alone, sad, wanting to die because he thinks you’re dead. They might smile to your face, but believe you me, they’ll be –”

“Bailey!” An angry male voice shouts.

Our heads all swing right. Jase is stalking over here with a look of murder on his face. He stops three feet away.

“What the fuck, Bailey? Not fuckin’ cool.” He gives her an acidic once-over that would make almost anyone cower. His eyes bounce to his sister. “Don’t you fuck around in here, you hear me, Sher?”

Sherry raises her hands defensively.

Bailey looks absolutely crushed. And there are a lot of eyes on her.

My sister Dani is over by the bar with my other sisters and Aunt Mimi. And she’s shooting me a look of apology. I know she wouldn’t have allowed Jase to see that text on purpose.

“That was me, Jase, not Bailey,” I say.

His eyes flash with irritation in my direction.

“I’m sorry to cause a problem,” I add. “It was all me; nobody asked me to send Danica that text. For real, Jase. You weren’t meant to see it.”

Sherry laughs. “Witches will be bitches.” And then she turns, and we watch her strut toward the bathrooms.

Bailey’s face is beet-red.

Jase looks pissed.

“Jase,” I try.

Riley is suddenly at my back. “Everything cool here?”

I lean into him. “I fucked up,” I say. “It’s my fault, Jase. Not Bailey’s.”

“Can I talk to you, Jase?” Bailey asks. “Outside?”

“Don’t know what you could possibly have to talk to me about Bay. But this bullshit has to stop. You hear me?”

“This… bullshit?” she asks, looking on the verge of tears.

“It wasn’t her; it was me,” I repeat. “I’m sorry guys.”

“You know what I’m talkin’ about,” he says to Bailey. He says it low and then his expression gentles a little. “Don’t make me spell it out, kiddo.” He thinks he’s being kind to her here, but it’s clear he’s just stomped on her heart.

He looks at me. “Happy Birthday, Erica.”

“Sorry, Jase… I…”

“Forget about it,” he says. “I’m goin’ for a run. Night Rye.”

“Night, man,” Riley says, wrapping an arm affectionately around my waist.

My eyes are on Bailey, who watches him weave through the crowd, looking absolutely crushed.

“Bailey, I’m sorry. Someone should take my phone from me when I’ve been drinking.”

“Don’t be sorry, Erica. You were trying to help. It’s not your fault that I’m a dummy.” She straightens her back and then takes a big gulp of her drink.

Dani takes a step in our direction, and I give her a shake of my head, so she halts and turns back toward Aunt Mimi, Ronnie, and Vivi.

Something changes in the air, and I feel a strange prickling on my scalp as well as tingling in my spine. Riley still has his arm around me, but every muscle has gone taut. He feels it, too.

Suddenly, there’s ringing and buzzing permeating the air. Dozens are reaching into pockets and purses and pulling out phones. My phone is buzzing. Riley’s phone is ringing. And everyone is looking at their screens. Someone turns the music down.