God, that feels good. What he’s doing and hearing him say that while he does it.

“I love you so much.” I grab his hair with both hands and pull his mouth to mine.


It’s a little while later, after frenzied action that means we’ve wound up on the living room floor, me on my hands and knees on the carpet and Riley’s knot buzzing against the inside of me, making me whimper hard. He’s got a handful of my hair and he’s not being gentle. I love it.

“That feels so, so good, little witch. This is where I’m meant to be – inside you.” His free hand cups mine and then our fingers weave together as the buzzing revs up and we both groan out the rest of our release together.

While I’m catching my breath, he’s dragging a blanket from the couch and throwing it over us, rolling over so that we’re on our sides, facing one another. And then he kisses my throat directly on my claiming bite. I shudder. I love that he put that there. That people can see it. That when he touches it, the sensations drive me half-feral. I can’t get enough of this man. I will never, ever complain about doing this with him.

“I love sex,” I tell him.

He throws his head back and laughs.

“This is… like… the best drug there is. Being fucked by Riley Savage? Better than magic. And magic used to be my favorite thing.”

His smile drops and he growls against my throat, kissing it again.

I let out a happy sigh.

“I’d go through it again to get here with you,” he tells me, fingertips tucking my hair behind my ear. “It really fuckin’ hurt. Fuck, did it cut deep. But Erica, I’d go through it again if it was what I had to do. I’m gonna be so happy with you that I’ll never question what we went through to be together. I hate that they did this to us, but I’d let ‘em do it again if it was the only way.”

God, he’s amazing.

“Thank you, baby,” he continues. “For waiting to be mine. For not giving what’s mine to anyone else. For waiting on that corner here in the village even though I wasn’t givin’ you time or respect. Thank you for protecting your body and your heart, saving it for me. You’ve already shown me it’s not too broken to be fixed. I’m gonna make that seven years up to you.”

I snuggle in and hang on tight. “You’ve already more than made up for it. I don’t wanna ever go through it again, not because it wasn’t worth it – it is – but because it sucked so bad to wonder if you were okay, to imagine you might never want to see me again after you found out the truth. Thank you, Riley, for being everything I knew you’d be the first day I saw you. I’m in awe of the fact that the reality of you is even better than the promise. Thank you, too, Mr. Wolf, for making seven years’ wait worth it.”

He’s trying to kiss me, but I touch his lips with my fingertips and continue talking. “I knew you’d be a hundred per cent perfect for me. I knew we could have the most beautiful life together. It’s just barely gotten started, and I love when I’m right. It feels like it barely happens – me being right – so when it does, I bask in it. I fucking love when I’m right. I was right about you. And I know how amazing it’s gonna be. I’m so happy.”

He dots kisses all over my face and then stares into my eyes again, while cradling my jaw in one hand.

He’s so amazing. My beautiful, strong, fierce man.

I hear an angry meow, then a hiss.

We both look up and see Petunia about ten feet away, her ire directed at Riley.

“Toonie, be nice,” I call out.

She hisses again and then starts the warning growl she makes when she’s ready to attack.

“Oh no, Rye. She’s gonna attack.”

“Huh?” he asks.

“She makes that noise when she’s about to attack.”

Petunia crouches low and takes a step. And then another. She’s stalking Riley, most likely because we’re on the floor so they’re at eye level and she thinks she can take him. She’s ready to inflict damage.

Riley throws the blanket off.

“You want a piece of me, pussy?”

I laugh. “She gets pretty nasty. Be careful, honey.”

She answers with her low, angry, you’re about to get fucked-up by claws and teeth meow again.

“Toonie,” I warn. “No!”

She looks at me like she gives no fucks.

Riley gets on all fours on the rug. “Come at me, bro.”

I giggle. “She’s got really sharp claws, Scooby Dooby. You better be careful, especially with what’s dangling there right now.”

I playfully slap his bare bottom.