The two of them seem to still have a psychic link, too, because of the power share of last night, which Aunt Mimi says also comes as a surprise.
Although Grey plans to defer to the rest of us, he’s willing to do whatever he can to help when necessary, though doesn’t want to be involved day-to-day. She’s counting on all of us to guide him, particularly me since we’ll be living in the same village. She then said she’ll go back and forth between Marblehead and Drowsy Hollow to be present for all of us, particularly me as I’ll need help learning to manage and wield my new powers. Being the fountain of information she is, she says she has connections that can help me. Connections that aren’t part of the SCC. And I plan to study witch history the way she does. Supernatural history in general, because her experience and deep knowledge saved us last night.
Greyson has what he was born with, what she gave him from herself and he has what Aunt Lyrica had. And she told us while heaping seconds onto her breakfast plate that since at his mating he inherited his mother’s original powers before hers were stripped, that meant he also gained the powers of his grandmother, Mimi’s twin. He’s a very powerful warlock. I don’t know exactly what this means for us going forward, but I’m sure it contributed to things working out last night.
When we get to the town hall, Lucinda and Mitchell are here along with the rest of the council alphas. But standing beside Greyson is a woman I don’t recognize. She looks nervously at the group of us coming in.
“Aunt Mimi, everybody, this is my mate, Stacy,” Grey confirms my suspicions, bringing her to Auntie. “Stace, my cousins: Vivi, Ronnie, Jess, Dani, and Erica. And this knucklehead is Riley Savage.”
She’s attractive. Wavy dark hair. Dark, pretty eyes. Thick lashes. Dressed in jean shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals. She’s nervous. Very nervous. Her eyes lock on mine and I go directly to her, hoping to put her at ease. I have a pretty good idea how she must feel being here after how it all came about.
“I’m Erica. The other newbie around here. Great to meet you.” I give her a quick hug, adding softly, “Let’s exchange numbers. I thought they’d all hate my guts after what I did to Riley, but I promise you, these people are awesome.”
She looks relieved as I pull back. And Greyson is looking at me with approval.
“Nice to meet you, Erica. Everyone. How are you feeling, Mrs. Young?” Stacy asks, nervously.
“Never married so nix the missus. I say, why cook and clean up after a pig year-round when you just get the craving for sausage occasionally?”
Riley barks out a laugh.
Greyson’s face goes sour.
The rest of us are gobsmacked. Completely. She’s been our mother figure for sixteen years and has never once told a dirty joke around us.
“Who are you and what have you done with Aunt Mimi?” Jessie gasps.
Aunt Mimi ignores her and keeps speaking to Stacy. “Since you’re part of this crew now, you can call me Aunt Mimi or Auntie like the rest of these brats. Welcome to the family.”
Stacy startles and then as her eyes bounce to the shock on all of our faces, she slowly smiles a dazzling smile.
“She’s surly, but we wouldn’t trade her for anything, ” I tell her.
Ronnie adds, “She’s usually the quiet, observing type but she’s had a harrowing twelve hours.”
“I heard,” Stacy says with wide eyes.
My sisters take turns hugging Stacy. When Ronnie does, her body goes rod-straight and she gives Greyson a look of alarm for a split second before she hides it. Ronnie felt something when she touched her, and we all know her well enough to know when we see her hide a reaction it means there’s something extreme there.
“Can we get started here?” Mitch asks. “Sorry to rush you folks along, but Lucinda has a flight to catch and it’s a long drive to the airport.”
The circle is still set up from yesterday’s meeting, but this time there are no refreshments. We all move in. The women sit and I note the men all remain standing. Riley is at my back, hand on my shoulder. His thumb grazes the mark on my neck briefly and I lean into his touch.
I love this man more and more every day.
“Right,” Lucinda begins, “There needs to be an accounting for the events of the night for the SCC. I’ll forward a copy of my report to Vivica to show you all before I file it so you can check it for accuracy and let me know if I missed anything important or if you want anything changed or added.” Lucinda gestures to Mitch beside herself. “Mitchell is taking me to the airport, then coming back and staying until tomorrow before he goes back to Scotland. He’s arranging to transport Aviva to her next of kin.”